Happy Future Scripts Film Festival "Let there be Goodness!"


Years running: 5 (since 2021)

Happy Future Scripts Film Festival "Let there be Goodness!"

Films in the context of a happy, healthy, and peaceful future for all.


The International film festival Happy Future Scripts Film Festival "Let there be Goodness!" aims to become a platform for creating and promoting films in the context of a happy, healthy, and peaceful future for all. As well as showing Pure, Light ways and solutions to existing problems in society today.
"Let there be Goodness!" - it's a new "dawn cinema" festival.

We are waiting for films about a good, happy future for everyone at our Film Festival. Films, cartoons, and clips will show bright solutions to existing problems in society. Films that will inspire the viewer to become the best, create beauty around them, create loving, strong families, bring healthy happy children into the world, restore the planet, and common peace on Earth. If you have such works, we will be glad to accept your applications and acquaint our kind viewers with your creative work. We believe that light images are capable of changing the world for the better. We want to live in such a world ourselves and invite you to become its co-creator!


Competition program:

1. Animated film
2. Promotional video (1-3 minutes)
3. Documentary short film (2-15 minutes)
4. Documentary (more than 15 minutes)
5. Short fiction film (up to 30 minutes)
6. Feature film (over 30 minutes)
7. Music video
8. Musical film
9. Films from Ecovillages

Out-of-competition program - amateur cinema.


Applications are accepted for the documentary, fiction, animation, short and feature films for the international and national sections of the documentary.
Out-of-competition program - amateur cinema.

The Film Festival organizers are NGO "Cedars of Ukraine", Charitable Foundation "Pervozdannost" and residents of the ancestral homes of Ukraine.

Festival purpose:
- To contribute to creating films that are significant for all of humanity, bearing images of a healthy, happy, peaceful future for all. As well as showing Pure, Light ways and solutions to existing problems in society.
- To become a platform for professional communication between filmmakers and creators of light images - artists, poets, composers, bards to create life-affirming "dawn cinema" films.
- To contribute to restoring peace on the planet and improving the general habitat through vibrant, powerful film images.
- The emergence and popularization of new dawn cinematography.
- Identifying and supporting talent.

Important! Our film festival provides open online screenings of participating films on the YouTube channel of the Film Festival "Let there be good!" If you apply to us, you automatically agree to open views of your work on YouTube.

Terms and conditions

The following categories of films are accepted for participation in the competition program, bearing images of a peaceful, healthy, and happy future for everyone and bright solutions to existing problems in society:
short films
full-length movies
feature films
animated films
national films
international films
music films and videos

Applications for participation in the Festival are carried out on the page of the film festival.

To submit a film, you must own the rights to it or have the appropriate permission from the copyright holder.

All entries that have passed the selection for participation in the film festival will be posted on the YouTube channel of the film festival with subtitles.

Requirements for Competition Entries

1. Codec (mostly) H.264, container - MP4, MPEG, MOV. The video resolution is mainly 1920 × 1080 (Full HD), 1080p. Sound frequency from 16 kHz and above.
2. There are no restrictions on the production date.
3. Each work must have captions: it is necessary to indicate the names and surnames of all participants in the project (including those involved), the author of the music, and the date of production.

All materials required for the Festival catalog (annotations, composition and credits, biography and full filmography of the director, photographs of the director, actors and scenes from the film in b / w and color, as well as a short commentary by the director) must be provided to the organizers of the festival as soon as possible, but no later than 5 days after the end of the last deadline for accepting applications.

Press materials

Selected Festival participants must send promotional materials for distribution to the press (press collection, digital images of the film and director, videos, audio tracks, video clips, etc.) no later than 5 days after the deadline for accepting applications.


By sending a film (work) to the Film Festival, the author agrees to post his project for open online viewing and to voting on the YouTube channel of the Happy future scripts film festival "Let there be Goodness!"
The film festival has the right to use the materials submitted by the participants, as well as excerpts from films up to 10% of the total duration, for advertising purposes of the festival on the Internet.

After the end of the Film Festival, the works can be left on the YouTube channel of the Film Festival for public viewing or deleted, at the request of the author.

Rights to use

1. The participant represents and warrants that he/she is the owner of all rights to use the film necessary for the presentation and use of the film in the context of participation in the International Happy Future scripts film festival "Let there be Goodness!"
The organizers of the film festival reserve the right to request from the participant the appropriate evidence of these rights, and to reject the application if the necessary documents are not provided.

2. The Participant confirms that any third parties involved in the production and distribution of the film have consented to its use in the International Happy Future scripts film festival "Let there be Goodness!"
3. The participant guarantees that when using the film under this agreement, no rights of third parties, including those depicted in the film, are violated.

After the main off-line event, the International Happy Future scripts film festival "Let there be Goodness!" plans to travel to the regions of Ukraine with screenings of the winning films in different locations. In particular, in cinemas, palaces of culture, universities, schools, youth clubs, libraries, etc. When submitting an Application for participation, Applicants are required to indicate whether they consent to such post-festival film travels of their work.

Submission of the application means that the participant agrees with all the proposed Rules of the International Happy Future scripts film festival "Let there be Goodness!"

Premiere Requirements

No premiere requirement

Jury and Organizers

The Film Festival organizers are NGO "Cedars of Ukraine” and residents of the ancestral homes of Ukraine.




Official Website





+38 063 478 09 90

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Dates & Deadlines
  • Opening Date
    November 09, 2021
  • Regular Deadline
    March 15, 2023
  • Notifications
    March 20, 2023
  • Event Dates
    7 — 8 April 2023
Categories & Fees

Short fiction film

  • Regular Deadline — free

Promotional video

  • Regular Deadline — free


  • Regular Deadline — free

Only films from residents of Ecovillages are accepted. The name and the address should be indicated for the film festival organizers.

  • Regular Deadline — free

All the above categories of Ukrainian origin.

  • Regular Deadline — free

Music video

  • Regular Deadline — free

Feature film

  • Regular Deadline — free

Documentary short film

  • Regular Deadline — free

Animated film

  • Regular Deadline — free
Festivals of Note




27 days


103 days


175 days

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