Translation and subtitles — Festagent

Translation and Subtitles

Provide professional subtitles according to international standards.
Translation by native speakers with attention to details.
The subtitles are one of the main requirements of international film festivals. We have been translating and subtitling since 2013. Feel free to take all the efforts to make them, because we know the details of this craft.
+7 (495)128-31-64

Translation by native speakers

Accurately and quickly translate animated, fiction and documentary films, commercials, lectures and other audiovisual works into the language of the target audience and are attentive to the nuances of the content.

Professional subtitles

The subtitles are embedded according to the international standard ESIST, which incorporates the best industry practices in the field of ease of perception of textual information by the viewer sitting in the cinema. We know what size and color should be the font, where and how much to show the subtitles on the screen, so as not to distract the viewer from the content of the picture.


We can calculate the exact cost and terms only after reading the film.

Professional Translation

Расчет указан за символ с пробелом, а количество знаков считается по тексту, который сдается в перевод.
Into English from other languages
30 EUR per page
By a native speaker
1 page is 1,800 characters with spaces according to MS Word statistics (around 300 words)
From English into other languages
from EUR 30 per page
By a native speaker
1 page is 1,800 characters with spaces according to MS Word statistics (around 300 words)
The minimum order is 20 EUR.

Calculation is indicated for a signs with a space, and the number of signs is counted according to the text that is submitted for translation.

  • Short film translation: 2–4 working days;
  • translation of a feature film: 5–7 working days.


Setting ready-made subtitles for timecode
Video "Standard"
2 EUR / minute
Fiction or animation films
Video "Documentary"
3 EUR / minute
Documentaries or informational videos
Setting subtitles (Convertatio)
25 EUR for file under 5 Gb
+2 EUR per extra Gb
Include downloading, agreeement, conversion, uploading back to server
The minimum order for any service is 20 EUR.

To prepare the final version with "embedded" subtitles, you will need a video in its original quality (master copy).

Deadlines for producing subtitles
  • Subtitles for a short film: 1-2 working days;
  • full-length subtitles: 2–4 working days.


Subtitled 500+ films

Great experience in subtitling films for 7 years made us one of leaders for film translations among CIS countries agencies.


Do everything on time

We'll make the translation and subtitles on time. We understand what a burning deadline is and do everything quickly. If we are late — we do at our expense.


Work worldwide

All process are online, so we could make translation and subs all over the world.

How to make subtitles for the film

Subtitle production requires to pass through three steps, described below.
Step 1: Text transcription
For both translation and setting subtitles, you need a transcript or dialogues list of the film, including all screen captions and titles. If you don't have them, we will help with deciphering the video sequence.
Step 2: Translation
The film text is translated into the target language, usually English. We send the finished translation for approval in a Word document. We are well aware of the peculiarities of subtitle translation, so the film does not have to be “read” from the screen.
Step 3: Subtitles
We put the agreed version of the translation into subtitles, simultaneously editing it for ease of perception and compliance with standards. Often, to speed up the process, we combine translation and installation into one process.
At the output you'll get a file of subtitles in the *.srt format (on request — in any other). If necessary, we embed subtitles in the video (a mandatory requirement for participation in film festivals).

To order translation and subtitles

For the manufacture of the dialogue, the installation sheet and decryption from you will need a video with the final installation in viewing quality.
First Name Last Name
Film Title
Link to the movie (vimeo, youtube, any file sharing service)
Video password (if any)
Comment: couple words to describe your goals
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