Convert video to DCP — Festagent. Fast, cheap and professional.

Convert video to DCP

In 6 hours, we will prepare a DCP copy of the movie for cinema using professional equipment.
We prepare DCP packages in 2K, 4K, and 3D formats: conversion, adding audio tracks, subtitles, screensavers, or changing the final captions.


Minimum order — 30 USD.
DCP conversion
4 USD / minute
Per minute video
DCP supplemental (optional package)
2 USD / minute
For a minute video. If you have a ready DCP package and you need to add a soundtrack or subtitles in another language.

What else we do

  • DCP remastering
  • DCP unpacking and decoding
  • creation of InterOp and SMPTE and compatible 2K and 4K DCP
  • DCP conversion to any digital format
  • image encoding in DCI compatible JPEG2000 format
  • subtitle production for DCP in SMPTE and InterOp compatible format
  • KDM key generation keys
  • Delivery of DCP copies to Internet cinemas (ftp / torrents / cloud)
  • change of content speed from 25, 30 fps to 24 fps
  • change color space in X'Y'Z '(DCI)
  • sound normalization in accordance with SMPTE 428-2-2006
  • DCP viewing in the cinema


We consider the terms of DCP production from the moment of receipt of all necessary materials.
  • Films up to 30 minutes inclusive — from 6 hours.
  • Films over 31 minutes — from 12 hours.

Free consultation

Answer questions about preparing a copy of DCP.
By clicking on the button, you agree to the Privacy Policy and User Agreement.


Always working DCP

We made more than 300 DCP copies and we are pleased that there were no errors with the display. We guarantee that DCP will meet all DCI requirements and run on any servers.


Do everything on time

We hand over copies on time. We understand what a burning deadline is and do it quickly.


Licensed software

We use only licensed software. All our videos are subject to mandatory technical testing on modern film equipment: Dolby DSS200 + Dolby CP750 + NEC NC2000C


All over the World

Working with clients remotely all over the world.

DCP Supplemental

What is an optional package?
Supplemental — an additional package for DCP that allows you to add or replace an audio track, add subtitles, or include ad units.

When distributors release a film in multiple languages, they use supplemental DCP packages. The same DCP can be played in three languages, saving time and resources on recoding and transporting large files.

Creating an additional package (with the main DCP) is faster and more cost-effective.

How to order DCP

In case you'll have questions please contact us
Apply entry form
Before submitting the application (click) prepare the file and upload to the cloud, FTP server or create a torrent.
Issue invoice agreement
We will check the ordering information, contact you and clarify details. We will finally approve the estimate and issue an invoice, and you will pay it.
Convert DCP
Based on your source files and in accordance with the technical requirements of the festival (if available), we prepare a dcp-version of the video in two formats. Check on the cinema screen, upload to ftp / torrent / cloud and send you a link.
Ready DCP package
You download the finished dcp package and unzip the archive to a blank gesture or flash drive.
Read more in the FAQ section.

Order DCP

Convert DCP from source file. Read how to upload heavy files over 10GB.
First Name Last Name
Film title
Link to the master copy of the film
Specify information about the frame rate of the master copy.
Where did you learn about us?
By clicking on the button, you agree to the Privacy Policy and User Agreement.

How to prepare video for DCP

Technical details
Film in production

If the film is in production, then follow the recommendations:
  • for the Flat format (porridge) — 1998×1080, 24 frames per second;
  • for the Scope format (wide) — 2048×858, 24 frames per second.
We recommend exporting files in two formats:
  • codec — ProRes;
  • container — MOV;
  • bitrate — from 50 m / bit (for 4K - 150 m / bit);
  • codec — h.264 or h.265;
  • container — MP4;
  • bitrate — from 50 m / bit (for 4K - 200 m / bit).
Preferred audio codecs are PCM (wav) or AC3.
The film is ready

DCP requirement — 24 frames per second. If your film has a frequency of 25 frames per second, then it must be converted to 24 frames.

  • Method 1: conversion of 25 fps frames to 24 fps with loss of quality due to frame deletion. The sound remains unchanged.
  • Method 2: conversion with preservation of all frames, but with a frequency of 24 frames per second. The timing of the video is increased by 4%, while maintaining the quality of the film. The sound is synchronized without changing the pitch.
The film is ready in 1920x1080

If the film is ready, calculated in 1920x1080 resolution (or in another) and there is no possibility to edit, then there are two options:

  • Option 1: mechanically stretch the image and crop around the edges;
  • Option 2: leave the original size. In the latter case, in the FLAT version, small black fields will remain on the left and right sides (this will not be noticeable in the cinema hall). The fields for the SCOPE format will be slightly larger.
Adapting non-standard files
We adapt the film for display in the cinema, even if the source file does not meet the technical requirements.

How to transfer heavy files

As a rule, we work with large files through torrents - this is fast, reliable, free of charge and without restrictions on file size.

Free permits to transfer files of any size.
You must install a torrent client (for example, uTorrent).

How To Make Torrents Using uTorrent


50 GB free.
You need to install an ftp-client.
Suitable if you know how to use ftp-servers (FileZilla и FileZilla Server).
  • Free and without registration allows you to upload files up to 50 GB. Please note, files are stored for 14 days (default is 7 days), so do not over tighten.
  • Free 15 GB, need registration, without restrictions on file size (100 GB - $ 5 / month. And 1 TB - $ 9.99 / month.)

Questions and Answers

We collected popular questions and answered them.
Promote films to festivals without you forfeiting the rights. Distribute fiction, documentaries, animation, VR, music videos and experimentals. Both shorts and full-length.
Create DCP-copy of your film or video in 12 hours.
Translating film to any languages with native-speaking translators. Making subtitles according international standards.
We can edit or shorten your film, create a trailer, or a making-of. If you're short on time or find it difficult to cut your material, let us handle the editing for you.
Professionally develop the design of the poster, logo, business cards, invitations and site for the film.