How to register your film festival in Festagent catalogue
How to register your film festival in Festagent catalogue
If you represent a film festival and want to list it in our Festagent festival catalogue, we'll happily guide you through.
You may see how it looks like in practice in "Film Festivals Catalogue" section.
Festival card at is easy and convenient

The catalogue audience are filmmakers, producers and promotion agents who seek where to send their films. The catalogue has 26,000 unique visitors per month. By editing your own page at you help potential participants to have access to more information about your festival, thus attracting new filmmakers.

Updating the card does not take much time. All you have to do is to submit new information about upcoming festival once a year.
Before you add your festival into our catalogue, please make sure that it's not already listed. Use the search button at our site: make request by title, website (like, but not, abbrevaition, city or country, or any keyword.

Please mind that festivals may change their titles.
Your festival is already listed
  • upon registration please choose the option "already listed"
  • indicate the title and your position at the festival
  • wait for us to check the data and confirm the access.

Your festival is not listed

  • register "new festival"
  • fill out the application form and send it for moderation
  • wait for our editor to check the form and either point out the mistakes, if any, or include the festival in our catalogue.
Film festival application form
After registering at our website you will get an email asking to follow the link below to confirm.

As soon as you confirm your email, you will see your profile (top right) and a special section "My festival", so you can edit the information yourself.
You can easily switch to edit mode right from your festival page in our catalogue. Just click the yellow pencil on the right.
Basic Information
Official English title of the festival.

About national titles please see section "Synonyms".
Short description
In short description one should accurately note festival's specification. This information will appear in the catalogue. It is important when choosing a festival from the list. Short description should be very concise.


  • International festival dedicated to films with Peace as their subject.
  • International short film festival.
  • Prague international film festival.
  • European fantastic film festival.

Please do not forget to put a period mark in the end of a sentence.
Write alternative names, abbreviations, old names, names in native language of festival here.

Just try to imagine how anyone can possibly search your festival and name it comma separated.
System name
This is your festival's link in our catalogue. Please try to use a short and plain title. Write it in English, use hyphen instead of space.

For example, for "golden-apricot" the full link will be the following
Abbreviation is not the best idea for system name, because it can be the same for several festivals.
Prepare the festival logo sized 440х440 pixels in *.JPG or *.PNG format. Do not indicate year.

If your festival annually changes its logo, please renew it on time.
Year of operation
The most important date. Your festival won't show in our catalogue without it.

Write the year when the festival was established and our system will automatically define the festival's age.

Please mind that it is an automatic calculation. So the system does not consider gaps in holding the festival in some years or the festivals which are not annual but are held once in two years.
In festival's description give the information that determines its specification and directions.

You can stress festival's status, naming International associations accreditations (FIAPF) and nominations for prestigious prizes (Оscar, Emmy, EFA, BAFTA). Please do not forget to mention this among the tags.

In description please mention that the festival skips a year for some reason or is biannual or on the contrary takes place once a year.

When editing the description follow up to update the information.
Upload files or links to festival's rules, application form or an entry form at third-party website.

If you publish at our website such files as "regulations", "terms and conditions", "Bases" or something of that kind, please put the link in Russian under the title «Регламент».

If not all the application rules are listed and the document is not full so it cannot be called "Regulations", it should be called "Rules".

Further in the document title note the year, so this will prove the that information is updated.

When uploading the application form please indicate special details in brackets: online or special form for some sections or nominations, if any. For example, "Entry form (script)".

Then upload links to special platforms if this link is given by the festival organizers (it can be a link to the home page).

For example:
  • Entry form (online) 2019
  • Regulations 2019
  • Application Festhome 2019
Participation rules
Describe restrictions and special features when applying to the festival
Year of production. Below there is a field with this date for the web search but it won't be displayed at the page – so please indicate this date here for the reader.

Premiere status. You will indicate it below, and this information will be displayed at the page of the festival; special features are listed here as well. For example if it's a regional premiere, than the region should be named; or if online release is possible but not cinema screenings.

Application steps. How to submit a film to the festival, what documents and materials are needed, how and where to send the film, etc.

Screening format. Indicate possible film formats to be screened at the festival.

Subtitles. English ones as a rule, but there can be options. Moreover, festivals can make the subs themselves in the national language. If this is your case, ask to send English subtitles as a text.
If some rules differ for different sections and nominations please don't forget to mention it in the Sections field below.

Please make sure that all the links are active.
Describe festival's Awards in a concise manner. The best way to do this is to make a list.

Update the awards information each year. If you festival offers monetary awards, it should also be indicated in tags.
Contact Information
Contact information has be indicated in accordance with the following recommendations:
Indicate the city, where the festival takes place.

After the word "Address:" a paragraph break is to be made (press Enter). In address itself line breaks are to be made without paragraph breaks (press Shift + Enter).

A phone number is to be written in international format (+7 496 123-45-67).

To make the line with the email look clear, Email is to be written without hyphen. If the email address is too long, break the line by pressing Shift + Enter. Email address should be made as a link.
Dates and Deadlines
If your festival has a single deadline, than it is called simply Deadline. If your festival has several deadlines, they may be called Earlybird Deadline, Regular Deadline, etc.

To add new lines for separate deadlines press the + button under corresponding line.
Categories and Fees
Specify which film categories are provided at your festival. Categories should be indicated in the following way:
Additional. Tags
Tags help users interested in your festival to find it. So do not forget to mark tags that fit your festival.

If your festival has a certain topic, indicate it in the "Themes" section. In case it doesn't have a strict thematic direction and accepts films on any topic, leave this subsection blank.
Since deadlines, rules and categories may change, information on your page should be updated each season. In the Reminder section indicate the date when you would like to receive a reminder to update your information.

Anna Kalinina
Film festival catalogue editor
If you still got any questions — don't hesitate to ask film festivals catalogue editor for help.
Let's go! Add Your Film Festival