

• We give the opportunity for filmmakers from around the world to present their work

• No restrictions on genre and theme of films

• Identify and support talented children and students, search of new forms and genres of art 

• Promotion on the world market of films and authors, award-winning film festival

• We invite all filmmakers to participate in film festival and to receive feedback from the audience


Film festival awards are announced at the nominations

• Premium Fund intramural and extramural participation: statuettes, diplomas and gifts from organizers and partners of the festival

• Established special prizes

• The festival organizers reserve the right to establish additional locations and prizes


The age of participants is not limited to: 

  •  Participants of the festival can become as the houses of creativity of secondary schools, lyceums, gymnasiums, colleges, artistic groups, theatre workshops, school groups commercial profile of children's and youth theatres, film studios and TV companies, and individual authors.
  • All films selected for the festival must not violate laws and ethical norms.

Premiere Requirements

No premiere requirement

Jury and Organizers

Jury and guests of honor:

Vladimir Demidov — actor, Honored Artist of Russia, Moscow;
Andrey Selivanov - Russian film director, Moscow;
Evgenia Turkova is a Russian theater and film actress from Moscow.
Evgenia Serebrennikova is a Russian theater and film actress from Moscow.
Sasha Bublik - special correspondent of "Russia 24" Moscow
Evgeny Yulikov - director, screenwriter of "Yeralash", Moscow

Anna Melnikova - producer, screenwriter, theater and film actress, Moscow

Yulia Pestova - theater and film actress, Moscow

Elena Burkhanova-Kalinina - theater and film actress, Moscow

Natalia Sycheva - theater and film actress, Moscow

Regina Orekhova - MIA "Russia today", studio "TOK" Moscow

as well as cultural and art figures of Russia and the CIS, composers, directors, TV representatives, actors.




Official Website



Email: zilantfest@gmail.com
Yuriy Yermyakov,
festival director

Social Networks

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Dates & Deadlines
  • Opening Date
    November 15, 2023
  • Earlybird Deadline
    July 10, 2024
  • Regular Deadline
    August 15, 2024
  • Late Deadline
    October 15, 2024
  • Notifications
    November 04, 2024
  • Event Dates
    2 — 3 November 2024
Categories & Fees

Social video (under 3 minutes).

  • Earlybird Deadline — free
  • Regular Deadline — free
  • Late Deadline — free

Animation for children (under 5 minutes).

  • Earlybird Deadline — free
  • Regular Deadline — free
  • Late Deadline — free

Student film (under 20 minutes).

  • Earlybird Deadline — free
  • Regular Deadline — free
  • Late Deadline — free

Video, clip (under 5 minutes).

  • Earlybird Deadline — free
  • Regular Deadline — free
  • Late Deadline — free

Documentary film (under 20 minutes).

  • Earlybird Deadline — free
  • Regular Deadline — free
  • Late Deadline — free

Fiction film (under 20minutes).

  • Earlybird Deadline — free
  • Regular Deadline — free
  • Late Deadline — free
  • Earlybird Deadline — free
  • Regular Deadline — free
  • Late Deadline — free

Fiction for children (more than 40 minutes).

  • Earlybird Deadline — free
  • Regular Deadline — free
  • Late Deadline — free

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