«Young Arctic» Arctic expedition film festival


Years running: 10 (since 2016)

«Young Arctic» Arctic expedition film festival

International youth festival of short films and multimedia


The festival includes in its programme:

  • fiction films,
  • animation,
  • documentary films

about the arts and culture of indigenous Northern peoples.


Grand Prix in the category of professional films:

  • Statue white bear
  • Cash prizes

Grand Prix in the category of student films:

  • Statue small bear
  • Cash prizes

The winners will also get other rewards.


Premiere Requirements

No premiere requirement

Jury and Organizers

  • Honorary President of the festival — Arthur Nikolaevich Chilingarov. Famous Soviet and Russian Explorer of the Arctic and Antarctic, an outstanding Russian scientist - the oceanologist, statesman and political figure.
  • Producer — Victoria B. Lukina. Since 1992 – member of the Union of journalists of the Russian Federation. 1994-1996 – producer of animation production in us-Russian television project "sesame Street". Since 1998 – member of the Union of cinematographers of the Russian Federation, artistic Director of the Studio of children's animation the art of cinematography to them. S. A. Gerasimov "Sketch" (in 2003 the Ministry of education of Russia awarded the title "Exemplary educational group"), the organizer of the international youth film festival and film forum, President of the Nonprofit Foundation to support youth filmmaking "Cintamani".

the organizing Committee of the festival on the website




Official Website




115184, Moscow, Ozerkovskaya emb., 22/24

Email: arcticafest@yandex.ru

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Dates & Deadlines
  • Opening Date
    March 20, 2020
  • Deadline
    April 20, 2021
  • Event Dates
    21 — 27 May 2021
Categories & Fees

Films about the culture and traditions of peoples of the North. Fiction, documentary and animation (under 45 minutes)

  • Deadline — free

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