UnderGround International Film Festival


Years running: 7 (since 2019)

UnderGround International Film Festival

India’s First Underground Film festival.


Stories and storytellers surround us despite that, most stories go unheard and cannot reach their audience.

UGIFF is India’s first underground film festival.

UGIFF the festival, promise to bring stories that struggle to reach and garner independent cinema.

A festival of global audience and storytellers

Come, witness the disruption, be a part of the movement.

Celebrate independent cinema.!

Our goal is to give you an appreciation of a wide variety of genres, from horror, sci-fi, and fantasy to comedies, thrillers, and music-related films. Besides finding great films, we also want to showcase talented local and international filmmakers.

Bringing innovative and challenging selections that challenge and appease the interests of all film lovers, we aim to present a wide range of work that explores the various definitions and interpretations of the concept of "underground".


  • Best Narrative Feature
  • Best Indian Short
  • Best International Short
  • Best Music Video
  • Best Experimental Short


UGIFF is looking for independent projects from all genres, particularly low or no-budget ones and accepting all film/video submissions. Film and Video submissions are accepted in all categories.

We encourage local, national and international submissions.

We love all genres, and screen a variety of films from documentary to narrative, animation and music videos.

The Underground International Film Festival will be a hybrid Festival experience, with Festival films screened at screening venues as well as virtually on the UGIFF Channel, making the Festival available to its wide variety of avid film lovers.

1. To submit a film, you must own the rights or have permission from the owner.

2. Feature films: Priority is given to Indian premiere, and films that have not been screened in theatre, OTT Platforms, local festival or Indian broadcast before our dates.

3. Features Films must not have been released on VOD, or available to Indian audiences for free.

4. If you change your screener link or password, and do not notify us on your own, it could end up not being seen.

5. If DOWNLOAD IS NOT ENABLED Festival may not ask for the downloads and may reject the film.

6. All entered films grant the festival a non-exclusive limited use agreement to use selected portions of submitted films to use the following:

The Film’s title, the Film’s synopsis, photographs, trailers and other Publicity Deliverables, and any of the principal cast members’, director(s)’s, writer(s)’s, producer(s)’s, crew members’ names, voice, biographical information, and/or likeness, in the following media: UFFI’s website, Social Media (including Twitter, Instagram, facebook, youtube), the printed festival film guide, the festival mobile app, radio, television and press releases throughout the universe, in perpetuity, without compensation, permission, or notification, solely for the purpose of advertising, publicizing, and promoting the Film Festival and the Film’s screening for which the entrants are solely responsible.

7. Filmmakers fully retain all rights, title, and interest in their films and all Intellectual Property. Also, the organizers will be able to share the information with its publicity partners.

8. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT OF AWARDS: Entrants must agree to acknowledge the award on the film itself if wins the award.

9. RETURN OF COPIES: Copies for the festival will be retained by the organizers in archive of the festival for cultural purposes.

10. CANCELLATION/REJECTION: Festival reserves the right to cancel any submission or take any action against any breach of regulations or any misbehaviour disturbing the course of the festival and reserves all the rights to refuse or reject any registration/entry of any submission(s) or persons or institutions.

11. Submission will only be considered valid after receiving all the required documents and the final screening copy of the film(s)

12. After notification of selection, the film may not be withdrawn from the festival under any circumstance.

13. Results declared by the programming team and juries will be treated as final and all the participants will abide by them.

14. All Fees are non-refundable and by submitting your film to the festival, you accept the terms and conditions mentioned.

15. The festival relationship will exclusively be related to the film submitter.

16. Any Foreign film that is not in English must have English subtitles.

17. Students must present a valid Student ID to receive our student discount.

18. Filmmakers can submit the film in multiple categories to become a multi-award film. Still, the decision about the selection is strictly determined by our judges' team and no selection is guaranteed.


20. IMPORTANT NOTE: The Festival reserves the right to change the rules and regulations or in the competition's schedule. Dates and guidelines are subject to change without prior notice.

Premiere Requirements

No premiere requirement




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Dates & Deadlines
  • Opening Date
    August 19, 2023
  • Earlybird Deadline
    September 30, 2023
  • Regular Deadline
    January 26, 2024
  • Late Deadline
    February 15, 2024
  • Extended Deadline
    March 10, 2024
  • Notifications
    March 15, 2024
  • Event Dates
    30 March 2024
Categories & Fees

Music Video upto 5 min

  • Earlybird Deadline — $8
  • Regular Deadline — $10
  • Late Deadline — $15
  • Extended Deadline — $25

Shorts upto running time 30 min

  • Earlybird Deadline — $8
  • Regular Deadline — $10
  • Late Deadline — $15
  • Extended Deadline — $25

Runnin time upto 15 min

  • Earlybird Deadline — $8
  • Regular Deadline — $10
  • Late Deadline — $15
  • Extended Deadline — $25

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