Years running: 32 (since 1994)
International Film Festival.
XXХ Минский международный кинофестиваль «Лістапад» пройдет в Минске с 1 по 8 ноября 2024 года.
Приглашаем кинокомпании, телекомпании, дистрибьюторские компании, независимых продюсеров и режиссеров подавать заявки на участие в конкурсных программах фестиваля:
Внеконкурсные программы.
Предпочтение отдается фильмам, отмеченным на международных кинофестивалях и получившим высокие оценки кинематографистов и зрителей.
Ждем ваших заявок!
Premiere Requirements
National premiere required.
Minsk (Belarus)
Official Website
Дирекция кинофестиваля (Республиканское унитарное предприятие «Национальная киностудия «Беларусьфильм»)
220114, г. Минск, просп. Независимости. 98.
электронная почта:
информация (игровые фильмы):
информация (неигровые фильмы):
информация (анимация):
информация («Лiстападзiк»):
информация («Кино Молодых»):
информация (национальная):
информация (национальная школа):
Страница фестиваля на сайте киностудии «Беларусьфильм»
Официальный сайт:
Social Networks
Competition Program “National Film School Competition” includes films of any length, made in 2023-2024 by persons studying at institutions of higher education in cinematography.
The Competition Program includes films in fiction, non-fiction and animated forms of any duration, made in 2023–2024 by citizens of the Republic of Belarus, as well as foreign citizens and non-citizens permanently residing in the Republic of Belarus.
Films created in 2023-2024 participate in the Animation Films Competition. Animated films of all genres are accepted - running time up to 39 minutes.
Full-length fiction and animated films for children and youth created in 2023- 2024 participate in Children and Youth Films Competition “Listapadzik”.
Youth Films Competition “Cinema of the Young” accepts films created in the last one and a half years. Films of all genres of any running time are accepted. The director's age at the time of filming must not be more than 40 years old. No less than 10 most outstanding debut films (the first or the second work of the film director) participate in the Youth Films Competition “Cinema of the Young”;
Only full-length and medium-length films (running time from 26 minutes) made in 2023-2024 may participate in the Main Non-Fiction Films Competition Program. Preference is given to the films specially mentioned at international festivals and highly acclaimed by filmmakers and viewers
Only full-length and medium-length films (running time from 26 minutes) made in 2023-2024 may participate in the Main Non-Fiction Films Competition Program. Preference is given to the films specially mentioned at international festivals and highly acclaimed by filmmakers and viewers
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