The Tsiolkovsky International Space Film Festival


Years running: 6 (since 2020)

The Tsiolkovsky International Space Film Festival

Films about space, exploration, investigation and impact on the life of mankind.


The Tsiolkovsky International Space Film Festival (Tsiolkovsky ISFF) is held annually in Kaluga and Kaluga region. 

Films and programs about space, exploration, investigation and its relationship with science, art, and culture take part in the competitive, non-competitive, and retrospective screenings of the Festival.

The purpose of the Tsiolkovsky ISFF is not only to present new films about space, but also to promote all areas of science and art, one way or another related to space, to strengthen the traditions of international dialogue between scientists and filmmakers to solve urgent problems of the development of modern science, culture and new technologies. In addition, the Festival carries an important educational mission on all issues related to the past, present and future of space research and space activities.

Tsiolkovsky ISFF SLOGAN: What is impossible today may be possible tomorrow (K.E. Tsiolkovsky, Self-made scientist who became the founder of modern astronautics)

Tsiolkovsky ISFF LOGO: The official logo of the Festival used in the festival symbols and official papers is a drawing by K.E. Tsiolkovsky from the "Album of Space Travel", which he created for the first Soviet science fiction film called "Space Flight".


Awards & Prizes


Grand Prix "Tsiolkovsky"

Grand Prix "Klushantsev" - for the best technical achievements in the film and the best special effects

Grand Prix "Korolev" - "Best Director"

Grand Prix "Gagarin"

Best Documentary 

Best Documentary Short 

Best Feature Film

Best Feature Short

Best Animation 

Best Full-dome Film Award



The Festival President Award

The Roscosmos Award 

The Governor of the Kaluga Region Award 

Press Community Award 


Films are required to be related to space and space issues. Film production completion - no earlier than 2020. 
Accepting feature, documentaries and animation films. 
Subtitles: English. 
After receiving confirmation, you must upload the work through the online platform or provide a download link to the file hosting service, English subtitles, media kit for promotional purposes.

By submitting to the Festival, you agree to the following: 
Images from the film can be used in Tsiolkovsky ISFF (Tsiolkovsky International Space Film Festival) publications, the Tsiolkovsky ISFF website and all other media outlets related to Tsiolkovsky ISFF publicity and you indemnify Tsiolkovsky ISFF against any responsibilities incurred by the screening of this film. 

Films must be submitted to Tsiolkovsky ISFF by the stated deadline. 

Please note that information given on the submission form may be used by Tsiolkovsky ISFF for publications. 
Tsiolkovsky ISFF accepts no responsibility if the information provided is inaccurate.

Premiere Requirements

No premiere requirement

Jury and Organizers

The JURY of the Tsiolkovsky ISFF includes not only professional filmmakers, but also astronauts, as well as scientists from the space industry.

Russian film director, screenwriter, producer Igor Ugolnikov is a founder and the president of the ISFF Tsiolkovsky .




Official Website


The address:

State Museum of the History of Cosmonautics named after K.E. Tsiolkovsky

st. Academician Korolev, 2, Kaluga, Kaluga region, 248000


Contact Emails

Social Networks

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Dates & Deadlines
  • Opening Date
    September 01, 2024
  • Deadline
    January 15, 2025
  • Notifications
    February 15, 2025
  • Event Dates
    12 — 16 April 2025
Categories & Fees

Animation films related to Space, Astronautic and Astronomy, science and space exploration

  • Deadline — free

Documentary Short films related to Space, Astronautic and Astronomy, science and space exploration - under 40 minutes

  • Deadline — free

Documentaries related to Space, Astronautic and Astronomy, science and space exploration - over 40 minutes

  • Deadline — free

Feature Short films related to Space, Astronautic and Astronomy, science and space exploration - under 40 minutes

  • Deadline — free

Feature films related to Space, Astronautic and Astronomy, science and space exploration - over 40 minutes

  • Deadline — free

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