Our responsibility


Years running: 4 (since 2022)

Our responsibility

Russian Film Festival of Social Short Films for children


III Russian Children's Film Festival

"Our Responsibility"

Are you concerned about pressing issues? Difficulties in the educational system or relationships with parents? But what about more global topics like climate change or healthy lifestyles and volunteering?

To participate, you need to fill out an application for the film festival on the website until May 13.


This year the film festival is being held with the support of the administration of the Kalininsky district of St. Petersburg, the Foundation for the Development of Public Technologies, the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "St. Petersburg State Institute of Film and Television", and the NGO International Fund for the Support of Culture "MASTER CLASS".


The organizer of the Festival reserves the right to enter additional nominations and establish special prizes. The winners are awarded with diplomas. All participants are awarded certificates.


Students of educational institutions of St. Petersburg and other regions of the Russian Federation under the age from 11 to 18 can take individual participation in the Festival.



Projects (short film, script, etc.) on the following topics can be submitted to the Festival:

social problems (conditions, level and quality of life, material difficulties of young and large families, etc.);
socio-psychological problems (social adaptation, learning difficulties, bullying, socially dangerous situation, misunderstanding in the family, etc.);
socio-political problems (ensuring peace, conflicts on religious or ethnic grounds, etc.);
socio-economic problems (poverty, unemployment, lack of stability and social prospects, etc.);
healthy lifestyle;
animal protection;
environmental problems, etc.
The topics of projects are not limited to this list, participants can propose a work on a free topic that is part of the field of social problems of modern society and coordinate it with the Organizers of the Festival.

Projects demonstrating:

prohibited substances;
obscene language;
scenes of violence and cruelty.

Premiere Requirements

No premiere requirement

Jury and Organizers

The list of the Jury of the Festival is formed by the Organizer of the Festival from among the active specialists in the field of the film industry.




Official Website



Founder of the film festival: Osipenko Olesya Igorevna - teacher of additional education in the direction of "Kinoquantum" and "Mediaquantum" GBUDO "MDG"

e-mail: mediakvantumkvantorium@gmail.com

phone: 8 (921) 092-31-05 


Contact person - Pilkevich Anastasia Vladimirovna, methodologist, acting. Deputy Director of GBUDO "MDG"; Konovalova Anzhelika Sergeevna, responsible teacher-organizer of the State Budget Educational Institution “MDG”

e-mail: org.crt@kvantorium78.ru

phone: 8921-906-55-24

Contact Emails


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Dates & Deadlines
  • Opening Date
    April 10, 2024
  • Regular Deadline
    May 13, 2024
  • Notifications
    June 01, 2024
  • Event Dates
    29 May — 1 June 2024
Categories & Fees
  • Regular Deadline — free
  • Regular Deadline — free

All projects submitted to the Festival and approved by the Jury participate in the nomination "People's Choice Award". The winner in each of the nominations is determined by open voting in the social network "VKontakte" in the official group "Mediakuvantum St. Petersburg" at: https://vk.com/mediakvantum_spb. Voting will last from May 16 to May 29, 2022.

  • Regular Deadline — free

This nomination assumes an original script for a social short film. The theme of the script should be included in the field of social problems of modern society.

  • Regular Deadline — free

A social short film can be created in one of the following directions: - feature film - documentary film - animated film. Participants independently determine the genre of the short film. Technical requirements for short films: - timing: from 30 seconds to 3 minutes, - formats: MP4, MPEG, MOV (QuickTime), AVI, - resolution: Full HD (1920 x1080).

  • Regular Deadline — free
Festivals of Note

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