Years running: 21 (since 2005)
International film festival.
The Lucca Film Festival (LFF), also called Lucca Film Festival and Europa Cinema, is an annual event held in Lucca since 2005, celebrating and spreading film culture by addressing the apparent contrasts between art-house, experimental and mainstream cinema in the broader category of the work of art. The festival features screenings, exhibitions, conferences and performances, ranging from mainstream to art-house cinema.
- Jury Award for best short film: 500 Euros.
- Student Jury Award for best short film.
- Jury Award for the Best Feature Film: 3000 euro
- Student/Popular Jury Award for the Best Feature Film
Feature Films:
Short Films:
The short films shall not date back to years prior to 2024 and shall be produced preferably no later than 2023.
The work and all related materials can be submitted through video link to the following address:, or on the Filmfreeway and Festhome platforms.
Screening format: MP4, .AVI; .MOV; MPEG4 H264
If the short film/films is/are neither spoken nor subtitled in the Italian language, it is mandatory to send as an attachment a copy of the English dialogues, so that they can be translated
Premiere Requirements
National premiere required.
Jury and Organizers
The presence of a popular jury and a student jury is confirmed for this edition too. Entries are already open; to register, it is sufficient to send an email with subject: “LFFEC22 Giuria Studentesca” (for the student jury) or “LFFEC22 Giuria Popolare” (for the popular jury) to: no later than April 22, 2022.
The Lucca Film Festival and Europa Cinema, managed by Nicola Borrelli, has paid homage to the great names of international cinema through the years, from Oliver Stone to David Lynch, from Rutger Hauer to George Romero, from Paolo Sorrentino to Willem Dafoe. It is one of the leading events of the Tuscan cultural landscape, created thanks to the contribution of Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio. Banca Generali Private Wealth Management (Paolo Tacchi) and Banca Pictet are the Main Sponsor of the event, while the exhibitions are organized with the support of Societe Generale. The Festival is also supported by Fondazione Banca del Monte di Lucca, Sofidel, Audi Center Terigi, Tenuta del Buonamico, Martinelli Luce, Fabio Perini S.p.A, Wella, Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities and Tourism, Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research, Regione Toscana, Fondazione Sistema Toscana, The Lands of Giacomo Puccini, Comune di Lucca, Comune di Viareggio and relies on the collaboration and co-production of Provincia di Lucca, Robert F. Kennedy Human Rights Italia, del Giglio Theatre in Lucca, Fondazione Giacomo Puccini and Puccini Museum - Casa Natale, Fondazione Carlo Ludovico Ragghianti, University of Florence, Academy of Fine Arts of Carrara, CNA Cinema e Audiovisivo Toscana, Istituto Luigi Boccherini and Liceo Artistico Musicale e Coreutico Augusto Passaglia. A special thank for cooperation also to Federazione Italiana Teatro Amatori (FITA), A.C.S.I. Associazione Centri Sportivi Italiani, Lucca Comics & Games, Trenitalia Regional Direction, Unicoop Florence, Confcommercio delle Province di Lucca e Massa Carrara, the Bachelor degree in Discipline dello Spettacolo e della Comunicazione of the Department of Civiltà e Forme del Sapere of the University of Pisa and Photolux.
Official Website
Lucca Film Festival
Via delle Tagliate di S. Anna II°, traversa I°, n 64
55100 Lucca
Mob: (+39) 331 8479463 - Lucia Pieroni
Contact Emails
Social Networks
10 Euros for 1 short film, 15 Euros for two short films, 25 Euros for three short films, 30 Euros for four short films.
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