Lucania Film Festival


Years running: 27 (since 1999)

Lucania Film Festival

International Film Festival.


It presents the best works of the independent scene and wants to recognize new film talents. 6500 directors (with a public of around 50,000) showed their works to the LFF in only 6 editions. Its sections include: Fiction and Animation; Audio Live Drama (works carried out directly live by actors for the public); Lucania Filmmakers; 48 teeth Corticomici (comedy); War News (film, reportage, photography and documentary); and Documentary Films.

The community the landscape and the territory are the elements which make the LFF unique in its genre. The Cinema gets rich with other artistic forms:  Video installations, performance Cinema, rural Theatre, applied sounds, international competitions of short and long films, with retrospectives of masters of the Cinema revived in different contexts, because the projection headquarters are the lands, the corn fields, the white little houses of the farmers or the housewives, streets and terraces.


The money prizes (and the prestigious black, white ELLE) are going to be announced at the end of June of the current year (last year the jackpot was 5000.00 euros).

In order too be awarded the full prize, it is necessary to be present at the entirely obtain the
money prize, it will be necessary to be present (director or producer) during the awarding ceremony. However to all participants who will not be able to participate, will be paid 50% of the total amount of the prize.


  • The competition foresees the admission at the selection of national and international works which have been made from January 2023, the duration must be max 30 minutes and max 120 min for feature films. 
  • The registration for the Festival requests the on-line compilation of the registration card, if not the exclusion. After having sent the card on line the management office of the LFF is going to give you: a code, a format.
  • After having got the code and the format you need to send a film (.mov. h264,..etc) to

Selection Media Type: DVD, online, mov h264

Audio language: original

Subtitles language: Italian

Premiere Requirements

No premiere requirement




Official Website



Associazione Culturale Allelammie / Lucania Film Festival c/o TILT – Via Quattrocaselli sn. - Marconia di Pisticci (ITALIA)

Phone/Fax: +39 0835 411984

Contact Emails

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Dates & Deadlines
  • Deadline
    April 10, 2024
  • Event Dates
    1 — 31 August 2024
Categories & Fees

Narrative - Animation (max 30 minutes).

  • Deadline — free

Narrative - Animation (max 120 min).

  • Deadline — free
Festivals of Note

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