

Years running: 10 (since 2016)


International Children's Film Festival.


"Kinosha" is an international children's film festival for those who are in love with cinema!


- Inspire children, educate in them a taste and love for creation and creativity.
- Promotion of the Russian language and Russian culture abroad;
- Increasing interest in film art and creativity aimed at children;
- Identification of the most talented actors, screenwriters, directors;
- Stimulation of their creative activity and professional orientation;
- Development of creative abilities of children and adolescents;
- Exchange of experience in making children's films with participants from other regions and countries.


Each participant receives an invitation to a zoom meeting with the chairman of the jury, a leading cinematography expert, Elizaveta Trusevich, on the topic "Cinematography for Beginners".

In each nomination, at the discretion of the jury, Laureates of 1, 2, 3 degrees are allocated.

- The Grand Prix receives a cash prize and a Cup. (Cash prize of 10,000 rubles or the equivalent of the currency of the participant's country).

- Laureates of the 1st degree receive the Cup of the festival, a diploma and a gift from Kinoshi.

- Laureates of the 2nd and 3rd degree receive a Kinoshi gift and a diploma

- Each participant of the festival receives memorable prizes.

(prizes are delivered by mail to the address indicated in the application).

- Master-classes of jury members for participants chosen by the jury.

The organizing committee and the jury of the film festival have the right to establish special prizes and diplomas (for example, "Opening of the Film Festival", etc.)

All participants of the film festival receive audio recommendations from the jury, as well as certificates for participation in the film festival in electronic format within one month after the film festival, to the email address specified in the application.


To participate in the festival you need:

1) Fill out the application form (online on the website or send by e-mail:

IMPORTANT! The application must contain a "clickable" link to the film / video work (YouTube, file hosting);

2) Pay an entrance fee for participation in the festival.

The number of accepted works is not limited. (contributions go to gifts and prizes for festival participants).

Premiere Requirements

No premiere requirement

Jury and Organizers

  1. Елизавета Трусевич – председатель жюри, кинорежиссёр, сценарист, писатель, драматург, член Союза писателей России, преподаватель истории кино и сценарного мастерства Высшей школы телевидения МГУ им. М. В. Ломоносова и Гуманитарного института телевидения им. М. А. Литовчина. 
  2. Сергей Февралев – почётный член жюри, художник театра и кино, член Союза кинематографистов России, Лауреат Национальной премии кинокритики и кинопрессы «Белый слон», Обладатель Национальных кинопремии «Золотой орёл», дважды обладатель кинопремии «Ника».
  3. Генриетта Багдасарова – актриса театра и кино, кастинг-директор киностудии «Мосфильм».
  4. Андрей Кузнецов – актёр театра и кино, режиссёр (Нью-Йорк). 
  5. Лолита Наранович – кинорежиссёр, сценарист, журналист, продюсер службы «Милосердие».
  6. Художественный руководитель и основатель фестиваля «Киноша», актриса театра и кино, режиссёр, сценарист - Ольга Гомон-Пронина.




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Dates & Deadlines
  • Opening Date
    September 04, 2023
  • Regular Deadline
    December 26, 2023
  • Event Dates
    28 December 2023
Categories & Fees
  • Regular Deadline — 1,000 ₽
  • Regular Deadline — 1,000 ₽
Festivals of Note

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