Dubrovnik Film Festival


Years running: 14 (since 2012)

Dubrovnik Film Festival

Film festival for the children and the youth of the Mediterranean countries.


DUFF (The Dubrovnik Film Festival) is a film festival for the children and the youth of the Mediterranean countries. The Mission of the festival is to enable, motivate and promote film making in children and youth. The vision of the festival is to become the permanent window presenting the annual production of amateur films made by the children and youth in the countries of the Mediterranean.


The offical selection in the animated, fiction and documentary category will be devided into two age groups (<15 and 16 - 20), while all films in the open category will compete in one group, regardless of the age of their authors.


The jury:

  • Best film - animated category (<15 and 16–20)
  • Best film – fiction (<15 and 16–20)
  • Best film – documentary (<15 and 16–20)
  • Best film – open category
  • Grand Prix

The Audience:

  • Kids' Choice – best animated film,
  • Audience Award – best film.


  • The festival will accept aplications of authors creating and /or living in the Mediterranean countries, who are  younger than twenty years of age at the time of production of their film(s);
  • The offical selection in the animated, fiction and documentary category will be devided into two age groups (<15 and 16 - 20), while all films in the open category will compete in one group, regardless of the age of their authors;
  • Individuals, schools, clubs and associations are welcome to enter their work. Each author or organization can enter an unlimited number of films.
  • The maximum duration of any individual film must not exceed 15 minutes (credits included);
  • Submitted films must not be filmed before September 1st 2021.

Online applications are welcome by filling in the online application form available on the organizer's web page.

Films are to be uploaded on the organizer's Wetransfer account or sent on a DVD by regular post.

Video formats: AVI/MOV/MP4/MPEG

Audio language: original

Subtitles language: English

Premiere Requirements

No premiere requirement

Jury and Organizers

The Organizers:

  • The Dubrovnik Cinemas,
  • Luža - Media Culture Promoting Association. 

Dube Mikulić , +38520638640 / 417107, office manager
Đive Galov, +38520638640 / 417107, festival director
Igor Miošić, +385989049221, festival coordinator
Miro Bronzić, +385992167653, technical director 




Official Website




Kinematografi Dubrovnik,
Branitelja Dubrovnika 42,
20000 Dubrovnik,

Phone: +385 204 171 07
+3852 063 86 40

Email: duff@kinematografi.org

Social Networks

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Dates & Deadlines
  • Opening Date
    May 01, 2023
  • Deadline
    July 15, 2023
  • Notifications
    September 03, 2023
  • Event Dates
    19 — 22 October 2023
Categories & Fees

Fiction, documentary, animation (under 15 minutes).

  • Deadline — free

Fiction, documentary, animation (under 15 minutes).

  • Deadline — free

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