Colortape International Film Festival


Years running: 17 (since 2009)

Colortape International Film Festival

International film festival.


Colortape is a film competition and film festival offering an Indoor/Outdoor screening opportunity , to showcase filmmakers work, and reward everyone towards the end of the competitive season.

Colortape International Film Festival is a multicultural film festival promoting worldwide arts & culture through films, while bridging cultural differences, friendship, showcasing the creative vision of filmmakers from over the world. We are strong advocates and promoters of peace, love, friendship and mutual respect. One of very few festivals, if not the only one, to guaranteed acceptance, entry and certification for every filmmaker!  Over 2760 filmmakers were rewarded in the past 5 years! 


Certification/Award or Trophy (if applicable). Nominations & Laurels.


EIGHT (8) MOST IMPORTANT RULES filmmakers and representatives who submit/enter film into festivals  need to follow:

  1. Sign Up and Register with either platform is convenient for you. Example,, etc
  2. Pay the fee as required so we can fulfil our obligation to these submissions platforms. Wavers are limited to war torn/ embargo countries ONLY. Students have discount offers listed, PLEASE don’t request wavers if you are a student, due to ongoing overheads and costs related to running the festival, process entries then screen your films it does cost us money. Since we are a not-for-profit organization and we don’t get any help from government through grants we must fund it from our own pockets, running the events with volunteers with no revenue. We provide these events FREE of charge tio the local audience (local community)! We don’t charge for screening sessions BUT we must pay for licenses and MUST pay for hiring venues, public liability insurance etc.
  3.  Provide us FULL details of the film. Film Title, Name of director, Email contact address, full postal address (current) where we can send you the awards/certificates and surface mail
  4. Provide us a FULL download link to a SCREENER. PLEASE do not provide us with trailers, we need the FULL length of your film or otherwise entries submitted will be penalised and will loose point. Technical specs to follow: MP4 format preferred but quick time (mov) or MPEG file is OK too. As long as is less than 1.8 Gig in size. REMEMBER: compress down to 1.8Gig files larger than that will be time consuming and hard for us to access due to bandwith limitations. ALL foreign films MUST have an rst file attached or sent to us. Failure to provide subtitles in English will be heavily penalised. Our judges and audience MUST be able to understand your film.
  5. PLEASE provide us with an A4 size poster for the film submitted in 300 DPI resolution. Can be emailed directly to us with title and director’s name via
  6. Do NOT canvass or request our judges names, any jury information, or their contact or email addresses, and refrain from PLAGIARISM. All these will disqualify your entry/work from our festival Voting ONLINE, if available and when available, you are permitted to cast ONLY one vote per IP address/Email address.
  7. The works submitted be it either a film, documentary, script, animation etc MUST belong to the rightful creator/producer! Cannot take credit for somebody else’s work, nor steal and submit somebody else’s work without proper authorization.
  8. The work submitted MUST be original!


Premiere Requirements

No premiere requirement

Jury and Organizers

Founder: Alexandru Schiller




Official Website


Social Networks

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Dates & Deadlines
  • Opening Date
    October 17, 2023
  • Earlybird Deadline
    June 30, 2024
  • Regular Deadline
    August 29, 2024
  • Extended Deadline
    September 20, 2024
  • Late Deadline
    November 10, 2024
  • Notifications
    September 21, 2024
  • Event Dates
    22 September — 23 October 2024
Categories & Fees

Chinese, Indian, Latin, Slavic, Christian, Muslim, Budhist religious related and cultures, 2D & 3D animations, Musical Video, Scripts, SFX & Sound Composition categories, VFX, Chroma greenscreen, and ALL languages and cultural background are welcome.

  • Earlybird Deadline — $17
  • Regular Deadline — $35
  • Extended Deadline — $50
  • Late Deadline — $15

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