

Years running: 14 (since 2012)


International Mobile Film Festival


Cinephone is a short film festival, where the films are filmed only using smartphones,

with an international feel, and free topic, that aims to bring the making of films to a wide range of public with minimum costs.

We are betting on a democratization of film, giving support to the use of smartphones as an alternative way of getting quality ideas and scripts onto the big screen.


The organization will pre-select a maximum of 20 short films finalists on all those submitted within the deadline indicated above, to grant the following prizes:

The organization of the festival among the highest rated short films finalists by the jury will decide who to give the following mentions:

Best Script
Best Photography
Best Soundtrack
Best Interpretation


  • 1. Cinephone is for filmmakers who make productions exclusively with Smartphone

    2. The festival allows short films of all genre of cinema, accepts films of all types of cinema and genre (Drama, humour, sci fi, terror, narrative, experimental, animation, thriller)

    3. There is no limitation on the number of films submitted by the same participant

    4. The submitted short films must be shot with smartphone and it's very important indicate smartphone brand and model. The use of drones or action cameras is allowed in a maximum of 10% of the total length of the short film.

    5. It's allowed to use any software to editing, post-production or treatment of images. It is also allowed during filming to use external elements (microphones, lighting, dollie, etc.)

    6. The short films must have a quality no lower than 1080p.
    Formats: mov, wmv, avi, mp4 (h264), mkv

    7. All persons or private spaces that appear in the short films must do so under their consent. We don't accept short films that containing discriminatory material and/or violate the dignity of persons.

    8. The short films must be owned of the author or authors and unpublished earlier in the festival

    9. The short films must not exceed 15 minutes, credits included

    10. The short films must submitted through the online platform filmfreeway at following link:

    11. All non-English foreign-language films must be subtitled in English (and if possible in Spanish) The foreign-language films that are selected as finalists must be subtitled in Spanish.

    13. Participants agree Reproduction and dissemination of their short films with informative or promotional purposes related to the festival. Never ask for the rights of the short film, which at all times will be from the same participant.

    14. To participate there is no age limit, but if the filmmakers are under the age of 18 it is mandatory to send an authorization signed by their parents or legal guardians to our email

    15. The organization will not be responsible for the issues not covered in these rules


Premiere Requirements

No premiere requirement

Jury and Organizers

Jose Luis Martin

Oscar Cuartero




Official Website



Viladecans, 08840, Viladecans, Barcelona


Contact Emails

Social Networks

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Dates & Deadlines
  • Opening Date
    December 01, 2023
  • Deadline
    January 31, 2024
  • Regular Deadline
    April 30, 2024
  • Late Deadline
    June 30, 2024
  • Notifications
    September 01, 2024
  • Event Dates
    20 September 2024
Categories & Fees

Films cannot be longer than 15 minutes.

  • Deadline — $8
  • Regular Deadline — $13
  • Late Deadline — $20
Festivals of Note


2 days


5 days


6 days


6 days

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