11 января 2017
Now festagent.com gives an opportunity to share film festivals! Always up-to-date information about any festival at your site. Simple and easy.
Good news, it is just as simple to share a festival from our catalogue as add a Youtube link to a blog note.
So that's what you'll get (by the way, try to change window size of your browser and see what will happen to the widget down):
As a matter of fact, the widget automatically scales to length and width: the wider the screen, the more information about a festival is showed.
All the data is received from the catalogue and the widget always shows up-to-date information about any festival — so now when entering your site or blog any follower will know the festival status: when the deadline comes, what are the festival dates.
Share interesting festivals!
Состоялась торжественная церемония вручения наград Каннского кинофестиваля.
«Париж, 13-й округ» - черно-белая история о поиске любви в мегаполисе.
В Каннах показали 10 короткометражных конкурсных работ.