The Ankle / Лодыжка — watch online on Festagent


Director Alexander Krutenkov
Scriptwriter Viktoria Fomina
Producer Nika Jiznevskaya
Cinematographer / DP Sergey Karryev
Art director Nadejda Pivovarova
Composer Diana Chebaniyk
Editor Marina Eliseeva, Maksim Morozov
Sound Designer Ilya Petukhov


Irina Temicheva, Pavel Kraynov, Ekaterina Madalinskaya Nikolay Kovbas, Denis Shvedov

Alexander Krutenkov



Alexander Krutenkov is a director, cameraman, and film editor. He was born in Moscow in 1987. He is a graduate of the Moscow Tax Institute. He has shot commercials and corporate footage. In 2016 he defended his dissertation in the directors’ program at the Moscow Film School (under supervisor Alexei Popogrebsky).