Void / Пустота


Director Pavel Moskvin
Scriptwriter Pavel Moskvin
Producer Pavel Moskvin
Producer Alexander Shulgin
Cinematographer / DP Ruslan Kosenko
Art director Nadezhda Romanova
Composer Anton Shishkin
Editor Pavel Moskvin
Sound Designer Leonid Makarov


Dmitry Bulat Minkin
Mother Venera Shakirova
Musa Alexander Feldman
Publisher Mikhail Galitsky
voice of Father Alexander Yatsenko
Vera Kseniya Malyagina

Pavel Moskvin



Graduate of the school of mathematics in Almetyevsk, Republic of Tatarstan. Graduate of Kazan State University of Culture and Arts, faculty of TV and Film making.


2009 – «Phobia» (student short-length film, 5 min) 2010 – «One, two, three…» (student documentary short-length film, 8 min) 2011 – «Alice in Asylum» (student short-length film, 7.5 min) 2013 – «Moment» (graduation film, 9 min) AWARDS The Grand Prix of «III Kazan Youth International Film Festival» for the film «Alice in Asylum». «Best director» of «II Ukrainian open competition of film, television works» for the film «Alice in Asylum». A film «PUSTOTA»(VOID) is a first feature film.