Blood / Кровь

2018 | Fiction | 106 min. | Russia | 18+

Valera Romeev is a young painter from a small mining town in the East of Ukraine goes to search his happiness to Moscow. Leaving his studies in an art college, Valera lives a miserable life of a street fast-portraitist on the Arbat.Hoping to get support Romeev finds his elder brother Vadim - a successful businessman who left the parent's house long ago. However Vadim refuses to support his younger brother.Occasional meeting with schoolmate Gena Fagen changed dramatically the lives of brothers

Directors Statement

This is the eternal story of Cain and Abel, two brothers who both loved one women. They grew up in a little mining town and then got into the funnel of the big city with its temptations, loneliness and betrayal. This is the story of the boys who became men. Childhood, the serenity of boyhood, the flashes of the sun in the sea waves, the first love, — are replaced by the anxious loneliness of a young man in a big city, where even close people become strangers.

Director: Artem Temnikov

Producers: Evgeniy Mironov, Alexander Novin, Elena Brenkova and Asya Temnikova

Сast: Yuriy Nikolaenko, Alexander Novin, Agrippina Steklova, Evgeniy Sidikhin and Anastasiya Kluyeva

Studio: «3 ROME STUDIO» Ltd.