The monologue for Lotte / De Monoloog voor Lotte


Director Kristina Ghanicheva
Scriptwriter Kristina Ghanicheva
Producer Kristina Ghanicheva
Cinematographer / DP Kristina Ghanicheva
Art director Kristina Yanel
Editor Kristina Ghanicheva
Sound Designer Kristina Ghanicheva


Alessia Kozak
Nicolai Kozak
Cornelle Sterk

Kristina Ghanicheva



I was born in St. Petersburg in 1976 and moved to Belgium in 1998, where I studied interior architecture and graphics at the Academy of Fine Arts in Antwerp. Over the years working as a creative teenagers event manager, stylist for big European brands and finally as the owner of my web design studio, I’ve developed a feeling of love for visual aesthetics and people. This love led me to my greatest passion – cinematography. Now, back at the academy, I am studying film and video art under the guidance of true masters of their craft.

Directors Statement

Growing up and self-identification has always been a big challenge, that’s why this topic continues to fascinate me. A young girl searches for her place in this world, despite her fragility in the face of external pressure and complex emotional processes. She's no longer a child, but she's not quite an adult yet. She dreams, she doubts, and feels all-encompassing need for love.