The monologue for Lotte / De Monoloog voor Lotte


2021 | Fiction | 8 min. | Belgium

Lotte, a young performing arts student, is invited to audition. Characters in her imagination awake her dreams and fears yet force her to find out what truly matters.

Directors Statement

Growing up and self-identification has always been a big challenge, that’s why this topic continues to fascinate me. A young girl searches for her place in this world, despite her fragility in the face of external pressure and complex emotional processes. She's no longer a child, but she's not quite an adult yet. She dreams, she doubts, and feels all-encompassing need for love.

Director: Kristina Ghanicheva

Producer: Kristina Ghanicheva

Сast: Alessia Kozak, Nicolai Kozak and Cornelle Sterk

Studio: Studio Frame B