Antarctica. Vostok Station: Anticipating the Future / Антарктида. Станция Восток: в преддверии будущего


Director Anton Melnik
Director Aleksandr Melnik
Scriptwriter Anton Melnik
Scriptwriter Aleksandr Melnik
Producer Anton Melnik
Cinematographer / DP Konstantin Ovchinnikov
Composer Igor Babaev
Editor Ksenia Kirsanova
Sound Designer Aleksandr Volodin

Anton Melnik



In the film industry from 2004. Member of Russian Film Academy “Nika”, Member or Russian Film Union. Produced such films as: Lighthouse, dir. Maria Saakyan, 2006. Mongol, dir. Sergey Bodrov-sr., 2007. Terra Nova, dir. Alexander Melnik, 2008. Territory, dir. Alexander Melnik, 2015. Land of the leopard, or Phenomenon of Man, dir. Alexander Melnik, 2015.


Aleksandr Melnik



Born in 1958 in the USSR. Got an engineer-hydrologist degree, and worked after that at a polar station in the Arctic ocean. After that worked as a journalist. Author of a several novels. In 1990 and 2000 was actively involved in public and social activity. In 2008 debuted with the first feature film – dystopy “Terra Nova”. In 2015 directed his second feature film “Territory”, an epic drama about dscoverers of rich natural resourses of Soviet Arctic region. In 2020 directed documentary “Land of the leopard, or Phenomenon of Man” about preservation of the Amur leopard and biodiversity on Earth. Tragically died in September 2021 in Plateu Putorana (Krasnoyarsky krai, Russia).


2008 – Terra Nova (feature film), 2015 – Territory (feature film) 2020 - Land of the leopard, or Phenomenon of Man (documentary)