Years running: 3 (since 2023)
Russian Children's Film Festival.
The film Festival is held to support and develop children's and youth creativity, aesthetic education, and artistic development in children. Familiarization with the values of Russian culture and arts, increasing interest in the creation of films (feature films, animation films, documentaries) aimed at children and youth audiences.
Objectives of the film festival:
involving children in the creation of films that reveal and promote universal values;
establishing and developing links between participants from different regions of Russia;
creating an environment for communication between young people and creative associations;
exchange of experience and improvement of the general professional level of participants;
education of morality, patriotism and active citizenship of the participants;
education of a new generation of youth through cinema.
Grand Prix of the Film Festival
Best Short Feature Film
Best Feature - length Feature Film
Best Documentary
Best Popular Science Film
Best Musical Film
Best Promotional/Social Video
Best Director 's Work
Best Acting Performance (boys and girls)
Best Screenplay
Best Cinematography
Best editing and computer graphics
Best TV Report
The best video shot on a smartphone
Best Debut
Best Fantasy Film
Best Patriotic film/video
Best Original Film
The best children's project
Participants of the Festival can be creative teams and individual participants, students of educational organizations, video studios, as well as:
film enthusiasts and professionals, everyone who makes films for children and with the participation of children;
teachers, school principals, studio heads;
participants of film associations, students of film schools, studios;
If you belong to any of these categories and want to take part in the Festival, then we invite you to the Festival as a professional participant. To take part in the first stage, you need to fill out an online application, attach a link to the work through any file sharing service and send it to the organizing committee for consideration.
Premiere Requirements
No premiere requirement
Jury and Organizers
Jury: Natalia Sycheva, theater and film actress, Moscow.
Evgenia Turkova is an actress of theater and cinema, a film director in Moscow.
Official Website
Yuriy Ermyakov
festival director
Contact Emails
Social Networks
Feature film (no more than 30 minutes)
Documentary (no more than 60 minutes)
Music video
Best Animated Film (no more than 5 minutes)
Best Cinematography
Feature films for children and adults (from 30 minutes)
Best Actor
Festival Widget