KINOREX Festival


Years running: 5 (since 2021)

KINOREX Festival

KINOREX is a short film and film music competition for directors and composers


KINOREX is a festival and a short film and film music competition for young directors and composers. It is unique and there hasn't been anything like it made in the world yet. For the first time, the jury will be evaluating the teamwork results of young and talented directors and composers. Within the frameworks of the festival, together and in real time they will create new and original material and have the chance to gain experience, new skills and useful acquaintances.

Also, the most important aspect of the festival is that the finalists' short films will be shown on the big screen and the composers' music written for the festival will be performed by a symphony orchestra.

Prominent artists and culture workers will be giving exclusive lectures and master classes for the festival's educational program.

The project has won a governmental grant given to young culture workers in the Russian Federation.


Nominations for directors and composers

- Best teamwork (for the best short film - film music combination). The winners will be awarded the opportunity to record the music for their film in a professional studio, as well as many other prizes.
- Audience award


  • Films completed after January, 1, 2019
  • Films up to 20 minutes 

Premiere Requirements

No premiere requirement

Jury and Organizers

  • Ilya Dukhovny (pop and film composer),
  • Rimas Tuminas (theater Director),
  • Kuzma Bodrov( composer),
  • Boris Tokarev (film Director),
  • Maxim Polinsky( film Director),
  • Alexandras Shimelis (conductor, pianist)




Official Website


Tel: +79850705932;



Contact Emails

Social Networks

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Dates & Deadlines
  • Opening Date
    November 05, 2021
  • Deadline
    February 23, 2022
  • Notifications
    February 28, 2022
  • Event Dates
    17 — 23 April 2022
Categories & Fees

К участию в конкурсе не допускаются фильмы, содержащие: • Элементы порнографии • Расовую ненависть • В соответствии с приказом Министерства здравоохранения и социального развития Российской Федерации следует размещать предупредительные надписи о вреде алкоголя и табака, если фильм содержит сцены курения или употребления алкоголя или наркотиков.

  • Deadline — free

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