Years running: 2 (since 2024)
"Buddyfilmfestival" a cultural platform for filmmakers from all over the world.
We love movies.
We collect movies from all over the world.
The "Buddyfilmfestival" is a festival of festivals.
The mission of the film festival "Buddyfilmfestival" - to preserve the memory of the wonderful Russian, Russian Actor - N.A. Russia Viktor Alekseevich Proskurin.
Proskurinovsky Festival - that’s what we lovingly call it.
And, every year, on the eve of his birthday - from February 5 to 8, we will hold an international film festival, which will show the works of filmmakers from all over the world.
To BE! – this is how Victor signed all his business cards on the back, responded to SMS, wrote on napkins and boxes of cigarettes.
To BE! – film festival in memory of Proskurin.
As part of the Main Competition, the Jury awards the following Official Prizes:
"Buddyfilmfestival" is an annual international competition of Russian and foreign films.
Films with a production date older than 2 years must have a rental certificate of the Russian Federation.
The film does not have to be a premiere.
The timing is no more than 120 minutes.
The content must not violate the laws of the Russian Federation.
Films are accepted:
Full meter (60-120 minutes). Games of all genres, documentaries, animation.
Short meter (1-59 minutes). Games of all genres, documentaries, animation.
Applications can be sent by filling out the form below, or on the festival's partner sites (link).
The entrance and registration fee is 3000 rubles, which is mandatory for consideration of the application. IMPORTANT: The fee is non-refundable and does not give a 100% guarantee of the film's participation in the competition program of the festival.
The jury considers applications only after the entrance fee is received.
Russian Russian-language movies - we recommend to have Russian subtitles.
All materials are submitted online (links must be active before the start of the festival). important: We guarantee that the full version of the film will be shown only as part of the competition program, and will not be transferred to third parties without the written consent of the content copyright holder.
All submitted materials, except for the full version of the film, the organizers have the right to use on all available sites to advertise the festival.
Premiere Requirements
No premiere requirement
Jury and Organizers
IP Honda I.N.
Tatyana Golovanova
Таtyana Turina
Sergei Sergeev
Irina Khonda
St. Petersburg
Official Website
Tel: +7921 4173435 (WhatsApp)
191 119, St. Petersburg, Chernyakhovsky str., 35
St. Petersburg, Kamennoostrovsky pr.10
Contact Emails
Social Networks
Full-length films of any genre with the exception of documentaries and animation films.
«Студенческая анимация» (международный конкурс молодой анимации – работы начинающих, студентов и выпускников киношкол); — «Дебютная анимация» (главный международный конкурс короткометражных анимационных фильмов). — «Короткометражные фильмы» (главный международный конкурс короткометражных анимационных фильмов). — «Полнометражные фильмы» л) (главный международный конкурс короткометражных анимационных фильмов).
Short films of any genre with the exception of documentaries and animated films.
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