Interfilm Berlin


Years running: 43 (since 1982)

Interfilm Berlin

International Short Film Festival in Berlin.


In 1982, Interfilm Berlin was the first short film festival to include short film distribution and - after the Berlinale - the second oldest Berlin film event. Thanks to a film market and numerous competitions and seminars, many representatives of the short film industry and festival directors attend the event. It almost has the same level of importance as Hamburg or Oberhausen. The festival offers a film market, workshops, filmmaker´s brunch and internet screenings. The festival is organized by interfilm Berlin Management, which is also the umbrella for the interfilm Short Film Distribution.



  • International Competition
  • Documentary Competition
  • Confrontations Competition – films with a conscience
  • German Competition
  • Eject – The Long Night of Odd Films
  • Viral Video Award
  • Green Screen Award – Environmental Shorts.

Special Programmes:

  • Focus on Japan and Norway
  • Mockumentaries
  • Experimental Films
  • Animation
  • Metropolis Bejing
  • Dance Films
  • Queer Films
  • Shocking Films
  • Music Films
  • Music Videos Clips
  • Berlin Films
  • Bike Shorts and more.

Submitted films will be considered for all festival categories, including those at our partner festival, KUKI – 8th International Short Film Festival for Children & Youth Berlin


International juries will confer ‘interfilm Short Awards’ with prizes totalling  EUR 45.000.


  • The films may not be longer than 20 minutes, and not older than two years. We even may include films longer than 20 Minutes.
  • It is possible to submit film (free of charge) at WWW.SHORTFILMDEPOT.COM. 

Material and Images: Each entry to Short lmdepot must be accompanied by 1-2 lm stills (JPEG or TIFF, min. 300dpi) as well as 1 photo and filmography of the director. A contact email address for notifications about the submission status and for publication in festival media (print and online) is mandatory. 

Screening Media Type: 35mm and Quicktime 1080p 

Subtitles: German or English 

Premiere Requirements

No premiere requirement

Jury and Organizers

  • Director — Heinz Hermanns
  • Program Directors — Matthias Groll, Heinz Hermanns, Alexander Stein




Official Website



interfilm Berlin 34th Festival
Straßburger Str. 55
10405 Berlin /

Phone: +49-30-25 29 13 22

Contact Emails

Social Networks

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Dates & Deadlines
  • Opening Date
    January 31, 2024
  • Deadline
    May 29, 2024
  • Notifications
    October 01, 2024
  • Event Dates
    5 — 10 November 2024
Categories & Fees

Films may not be longer than 20 minutes.

  • Deadline — €8
Festivals of Note

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