The Shepherd / Pastukh


Director Ilya Plyusnin
Scriptwriter Vasily Shestovets
Scriptwriter O. Krijanovsky
Scriptwriter Ilya Plyusnin
Producer Vasily Shestovets
Producer Ilya Plyusnin
Cinematographer / DP Vasily Shestovets
Cinematographer / DP A. Zarubin
Composer Vasily Shestovets
Editor Vasily Shestovets
Editor L. Laskutkin
Editor Ilya Plyusnin
Sound Designer Vasily Shestovets


Pavel Pyatirov

Ilya Plyusnin



Born in Bishkek, in the childhood moved to Vladivostok, Primorskiy Region. There I received the higher economy education, but since my school years I began shooting small film sketches and did some game development. Computer gaming is the hobby that turned into my work, while the amateur film studio 1st River is just a hobby. Both games and films attract me because they provide an incredible opportunity to create new worlds. Working in the film industry I want to show that such self-expression is available not only to professionals but to the amateurs as well. In 2013 1st River released its first film "Bad luck", which is based on the short sci-fi story (it participated in the section Local cinema at the Pacific Meridian Festival). Later the studio team has tried the horror genre and made a film "The Basement". The next project "The Shepherd" again deals with the sci-fi genre, but it highlights the problems of our reality - the limiting of freedom for the modern man that seems to be absolutely free; his need for escapism; bullying; toxicity at work.


Executive Producer: "Bad Luck", 2013

Directors Statement

Movie as hobby