The Son / Сын — watch online on Festagent

2014 | Fiction | 93 min. | Russia

Andrey lives with his sick mother, suffering from schizophrenia. Close relatives are tired of dealing with the disease: his father cut loose from his family long time ago, his sister also left. Only Andrey does not give up — day after day he fosters his sick mother, saves money and compiles documents to take her to Germany for treatment. But the fate is merciless to the main character — his mom dies the day before the departure...

Director: Arseny Gonchukov

Producers: Arseny Gonchukov, Vladimir Buzov, Sofia Madyarova and Larisa Dirina

Сast: Alexey Chernykh, Vadim Andreev, Elena Tonunts and Lidiya Omutnykh

Studio: «Art-Leader» Production Center