Director | Olga Zhukova |
Cinematographer / DP | Эдгар Грищук |
Composer | Ярослав Боголюбский |
CG Artist | Сергей Клеймёнычев |
Родилась 5 апреля 1987 года в городе Минске. Белорусский режиссёр телевидения. В 2009 году закончила Белорусскую Государственную Академию Искусств, курс В.П, Забелло режиссура телевидения. 2008-2013 гг режиссёр МТРК «МИР», проект «Мечтай, Действуй, Будь». 2013 г режиссёр проекта «Баль на Літве», авторский проект «Монолог Мастера»; 2014-2017 гг Генеральный Продюсерский Центр, режиссёр серии документальных фильмов для ТВ; 2018 г режиссёр Белтелерадиокомпании. 2017 – 2019 гг. курсы сценарного мастерства и кинорежиссуры А. Бутор «Территория Кино».
Самый Страшный Страх (игровой 12.30 мин, 2019), Улитка (арт, 4.10 мин, 2014), Сквозь пальцы (муз клип, 3.08 мин, 2014), Монолог Мастера (док, 2014), Блики (арт, 5.23 мин, 2008), 7 песен дождя (арт, 5.28 мин, 2008).
Once I was browsing the net I came across an experiment. The children form ten families were suggested to write a letter to Father Frost (Santa Claus). They did it successfully and wrote that they behaved well the whole year so that's why they need consoles, cars, dolls and so on...And then they were asked to write another letter, to their parents... After that the parents read the letters addressed to them. They were the following: the children asked them to spend more time together, they needed attention, family dinners, tickling, hugs before bed, reading books, playing Indians, football.... Of course the grown-ups try to give there children all the possible best: care, education. But they forget that they are themselves and their attention are the best presents for their children. Growing up we forget how to see the world with child's eyes. How these ''little people'' accept this world and how they see us - "big people". How do they see our "big problems", our bad mood, our care. The starting point for the film was the idea of how the child sees the quarrel of the grown up parents. How does she or he perceive the grown ups at that moment, their deeds and words. So the parents turned into the scary monsters that frighten the girl. They are monsters concentrated on their problems, who forgot that the child only needs laughter and warmth. Lost connections between the child and the parents always causes a tragedy. The film seems to be a fairy-tale but it is absolutely not a story for children.