Strangers of Patience / Странники терпенья


Director Vladimir Alenikov
Scriptwriter Vladimir Alenikov
Producer Eduar Pichugin
Producer Shamil Djafarov
Producer Vadim Goryainov
Producer Vladimir Alenikov
Cinematographer / DP Alisher Khamidkhodzhaev
Art director Irina Ochina
Composer Alexander Zhurbin
Editor Vladimir Alenikov
Sound Designer Alexey Arkhipov


Marina Maya Szopa
Andrey Berg Konstantin Lavronenko

Vladimir Alenikov



Vladimir Alenikov was born in 1948 in Leningrad, USSR. In 1966-1967 he studied at the French department of the Faculty of Philology of Leningrad State University. In 1967 he graduated from the Higher Courses of Foreign Languages and worked as a teacher. In 1972 Vladimir graduated from The Faculty of Directing of Leningrad State Institute of Theatre, Music and Cinematography, in 1975 the Workshop of Playwriting of A. Arbuzov and S. Alyoshina. He started his career in cinema directing the films made outside of the state monopoly. The first official recognition Vladimir received as the author and director of a number of scenes in the popular newsreel "Eralash" (multi-award winner). At the moment Alenikov works in Russia as well as in USA, Hollywood. Alenikov’s last American directorial work, “The Gun (from 6 to 7:30 p.m.)” addressed the topic of gun ownership in the United States. The film was the only American entry in the World Competition at the Montreal World Film Festival in addition to other festivals. n 2017 Alenikov made innovative “Acting class”, which was shot by one shot only, without any cuts. His most recent directorial work is “Strangers of Patience” a drama/thriller about art and evil based on his bestseller novel. During the last decade, Alenikov has also successfully worked as a writer, publishing novels and children’s stories in Russia. He is a member of the International PEN Club in both countries, Russia and the U.S.A.


Selected filmography 2017 /“Strangers of Patience” / feature, full-length 2017 / “Acting Class” / feature, full-length 2013 / “Princess War’ / feature, full-length 2012 / “Garbage” / feature, full-length (as producer) 2008/ “God’s Smile or The Odessa Story”/ feature, full-length 2003 / “The Gun (from 6 to 7:30 P.M.) 1991 / “Time of Darkness”/ feature, full-length 1990 / “The Drayman and the King” / feature, full-length 1983 / Petrov and Vasechkin (Ordinary and Extraordinary Adventures)

Directors Statement

В девяностые годы я продюсировал сериал «Любовь Великих» для РЕН ТВ. Там рассказывались истории из жизни великих людей. И я к своему удивлению обнаружил, что многие гении, которыми мы восхищаемся, нередко переступали через привычные моральные нормы. И тогда я впервые задумался над тем, как далеко может зайти художник, одержимый своим творчеством. На что он имеет и не имеет право. Бывает ли, что цель оправдывает средства. И чем больше я над этим думал, тем больше мне хотелось как следует разобраться в этом вопросе.