Saffron heart / Шафрановое сердце


Director Paul McLay
Scriptwriter Pavel Teleshev
Scriptwriter Paul McLay
Scriptwriter Tasya Maklay
Producer Paul McLay
Producer Tasya Maklay
Cinematographer / DP Petr Keleptrishvili
Composer Piotr Braterskiy
Composer Spaio Ventaks
Composer Imprum
Composer Paul McLay
Composer Tara Moskalets
Composer Andriy SunSay Zaporozhets
Composer Huck Whitney
Composer Aleksey Orange Cat Kalinkin
Composer Victor Sankov
Composer Pavel Kovalenko
Composer Natalia Nekrasova
Composer Oleg Karpachev
Composer Andrey Lemeshko
Composer Artur Matvienko
Composer Faintune
Composer Aleksey Karpov
Composer Ivailo Blagoev
Composer Ravi Tripathi
Editor Dan Jamkinsun
Sound Designer Tara Moskalets

Paul McLay



Paul McLay is a filmmaker and music composer with Scottish roots and brave heart. He has more than ten years experience in the advertising industry and worked both client-side and agencies. In 2012 his viral video for Nestle Fitness called 'True love story' received nominations for several categories in Idea Awards 2012. In 2013 he filmed a festival short called 'Paradiso Perduto' in Venice. Paul's debut feature film 'Saffron Heart' will enter 75 festivals in 2018/2019. Education: 2012 Moscow Academy of communications (Wordshop) "Filmmaking". 2014 London Film School. "Filmmaking".


2013/«Paradizo Perduto»/feature/short meter 2018/"Saffron heart"/feature/short