2018 | Fiction | 11 min. | Russia | 16+
Surrealistic debut by a Russian rapper Husky who was inspired by the films of David Lynch and David Kronenberg. A videotape accidentally found by an ordinary taxi-driver with strange recording reveals on the screen a world conspiracy of psy-ops — psychological operators controlling the human psyche
«I was stacking on the forums of paranoids and schizos and definitely starting to doubt about the sanity of humanity institute in general. I wanted to confess my love to conspiracy theories, especially if humanism, or progress, or science are also empty fantasies, and much more boring than reptilians, for example. A man of the future will see our progressive contemporary as a backward, sick and defective animal, in a way we often see people of the past».
Director: Husky (Dmitry Kuznetsov)
Producers: Ilya Stewart, Murad Osmann, Ilya Dzhincharadze and Olga Mitina
Сast: Alina Nasibullina and Vasily Mikhailov
Studios: «HYPEfilm» Ltd. and Medialab