The Port / Порт


2018 | Fiction | 87 min. | Russia

‘Port’ is a storyabout growing up in tough conditions. Kira is a teenager who is left disabled after the car accident. Her father is a boxing coach with a headstrong personality refuses to accept the reality of her situation. He believes that it could be overcome with a special training simulator to rehabilitate her. During this difficult period, Kira meets Andrey. Falling in love bringsher hope and her life is changed with unexpectedcircumstances. However, each of them is faced with new and daunting challenges and only the irrepressible desire to live andlove can lead themto overcome the mistakes of their youth.

Director: Alexandra Strelyanaya

Producers: Alexander Kotelevsky and Andrey Novikov

Сast: Alexei Guskov, Mariya Borovicheva and Lev Semashkov

Studio: “Invada Film” movie company