Other Coast / Другой берег


Director Anna Rassypnova
Scriptwriter Anna Rassypnova
Producer Anna Rassypnova
Cinematographer / DP Roman Nefedov
Art director Anna Rassypnova
Art director Darya Nemushenko
Editor Anna Rassypnova
Editor Roman Nefedov
Sound Designer Roman Nefedov


Little girl Lisa Koinova
Stranger Konstantin Beresnev
Grown-up girl Nadezhda Maksimova
Watcher Alina Kotova

Anna Rassypnova



Anna was born and grew up in Novosibirsk, studied philology. During her studies she got involved in cinema and photography. After a year of working as an English teacher, Anna entered Cinemetography Faculty in the local high school , and in 2015 moved to Moscow to continue film education. The first and so far the only short film was shot as a term work on filmmaking.