Opening Night / Премьера


Director Ivan Oganesov
Scriptwriter Ivan Oganesov
Producer Anton Kirillov
Producer Artem Vasiliev
Producer Anton Polishuk
Producer Yulia Tsvitko
Producer Ivan Oganesov
Cinematographer / DP Aleksandr Polischuk
Art director Anastasia Levina
Composer Artemiy Chirkinyan
Composer Erik Satie
Composer Mikhail Mischenko
Composer Dmitry Shostakovich
Editor Sergey Chebotarev
Editor Ivan Oganesov
Sound Designer Anton Bulle


Anatoliy Belyi
Dmitry Bogdan
Sergey Zamyatin
Михаил Полицеймако
Oleg Sokolov

Ivan Oganesov



Ivan Oganesov was born in 1988 in Moscow. He graduated from the VGIK in 2012. In 2015 Ivan shot the documentary Fyodor, a story about a hermit-artist, who is preparing to die. The documentary became a participant of several film festivals all around the world including the 37-th Moscow Film Festival. Opening Night is a director’s debut in fiction film.