Night Mode / Ночной режим


Director Evgeniy Byalo

Evgeniy Byalo



Евгений Бяло родился в 1977 году. 1999 — Московский Государственный Автомобильно-дорожный Институт (Технический университет). Факультет Управления, бакалавр. 2012 — Высшие курсы сценаристов и режиссеров (ВКСР) Мастерская И. Квирикадзе и А. Добровольского.


2011 «Ночной режим» – курсовая работа 2011 «Правда» – учебная работа

Directors Statement

Biography Evgeniy Byalo was born in 1977. In 1999 graduated from Moscow State Technical University, the faculty of management. In 2012 graduated from VKSR (Higher Courses for Scriptwriters and Directors). He works in film and television. Earlier — in the car business and transportation. Immersed in creativity at all stages of personality development. Has music education and related hobbies. Chronic diseases are not available. Indecisiveness and pessimism are not revealed. Filmography 2011 «Night Mode» 2011 «Truth»