2017 | Animation | 5 min. | Russia
An imaginative series based on the world's classic tales as told by the main characters through a projection of spectacular designs. Smarty-pants Kate teaches her baby brother Mike about the wonders of life through folk tales and beautiful images. Mike is a merry and mischievous young boy, a big dreamer and fan of computer games, who thinks reading is boring. In Magic Lantern, the siblings experience stories of classic literature — from the Musketeers, Gulliver to Oscar Wilde — as seen by captivating illustrations on a film-strip, created by 80 different acclaimed artists, discovering age-old life values for Mike and his sister.
Director: Roman Vereshchak
Producer: Vadim Volya, Evgeny Golovin, Anton Smetankin and Tatiana Tsyvareva
Studio: Animation Studio Parovoz