I'm 20 / Мне 20


2018 | Documentary | 44 min. | Russia

Sima is 20 years old. She moves from grandfather to grandmother and is alone with herself. She tries to understand who she is. And for this, she goes in search of her father, who was a famous Soviet hippy dissident.

Directors Statement

I'm 5 years older than my heroine. Our parents are almost the same age. Our generation is trying to understand how to live and what to lean on. In an attempt to find something we can grasp, we turn to our parents, because they, each in their own way, fought for freedom in a tyrant country and were able to reach it. But did that make them happy? We see that the fall of one hegemon gave birth to another, that the end of one war is the beginning of another. We are lost and do not know what to do. Just as the hero of Marlen Khutsiev asked his father, who died in the war, how to live in a new world and received no answer. So we ask the parents who passed through the revolution how to live now and do not see any ways. I started to shoot this film because I was interested to see the Soviet hippies, which in general little is known outside of our country. But this was a separate, distinctive culture. But in the process of filming, we went far from the theme of children of flowers and came more likely to the theme of children and fathers. The search for fathers inevitably acquires a biblical meaning, too.

Director: Ekaterina Mamontova

Producer: Ekaterina Mamontova