Her Own Truth / Своя правда


2011 | Fiction | 9 min. | Russia

A young man comes to a meeting with a girl. They haven't seen each other for a long time. During this time a change in his private life has occured. The girl understands this when she decides to make him a gift in the form of theatre tickets. She sees validation of her assumptions in the young man's behaviour and during his telephone talk. During which she makes a decision, unbelievebly simple and precise. In terms for him not to be confused or be picking up words distressfully. She understands everything and clears things up for herself. He, being hooked, leaves with a feeling of relief, haven't understood anything at all. This is a short story, based on second-guessing and assumptions. Of the past and the future.

Director: Evgeniy Byalo

Сast: Мария Кононова and Павел Хрулев

Studio: HCSD