Happy Birthday, Rosa!


Director Anna Kolchina
Director Alexey Kuzmin-Tarasov
Scriptwriter Anna Kolchina
Scriptwriter Alexey Kuzmin-Tarasov
Producer Anna Kolchina
Producer Alexey Kuzmin-Tarasov
Cinematographer / DP Anna Kolchina
Cinematographer / DP Alexey Kuzmin-Tarasov
Composer Martyn Jaques and The Tiger Lillies
Composer Martyn Jaques and The Tiger Lillies
Editor Dmitrii Pavlov
Editor Dmitrii Pavlov
Sound Designer Arina Tretyakova
Sound Designer Arina Tretyakova


Rosa Ambartsum Kabanyan
( Irene Muscara
Rosa Ambartsum Kabanyan
Rosa Irene Muscara

Anna Kolchina



Born on 23 December 1986 in Moscow. In 2008 graduated from Moscow State University (Faculty of Journalism); in 2011 – received PhD in philology. Worked as the editor and presenter at The Radio Liberty. In 2012 was trained in workshop “Documentary filmmaking and producing”. The author of several documentary films, including “Look at me” (film was awarded Grand Prix at the International Film Festival ARTODOCS, St. Petersburg; the main prize at the International Film Festival in New York; participated in different festivals in Europe and Russia, including the festival Artdokfest). Anna is also the author of several theatrical dramatizations and the book about Russian emigrants (2014, 2016). The Lecturer at the School of Media (National Research University Higher School of Economics).


Alexey Kuzmin-Tarasov



Born on 30 December 1984 in Moscow. In 1996 moved to Koln. In 2005-2007 studied in college in Horem (Germany), specialization “graphic design”. In 2007 moved to Moscow. In 2011 graduated from GITIS / Russian Academy of Theatre Arts. In the recent years staged performances in Moscow theatres: Mayakovsky Theater; Theater im. M. N. Ermolovoy; Moscow Pushkin Drama Theatre; “Vserossiyskiy Center im. Meyerkholda”. Alexey also staged several performances on the GITIS stage, including “The Invention of love” by Tom Stoppard, highly appreciated by the author of the Play. Besides Alexey is the author of performances within theatrical laboratories and festivals.