Draw Me Happy / Нарисуй меня счастливым


2017 | Fiction | 25 min. | Russia

Artem started his own small business to save some money and go abroad. Nothing can stop him: not a serious lineless of his mother, not even his father’s and sister’s problems… But once he finds himself in a situation where nothing depends on money. What could be more important than the human life?

Directors Statement

"Draw Me Happy" is the first film of Voronezh Film Studio, which was created by young people from Russian city Voronezh. This is the non-commercial project, which was filmed for two years in three Russian cities: Voronezh, Ramon, and Moscow. More 80 crew members took part in creating this movie. Despite that the film studio was set up by schoolboys, it has already had the interesting portfolio and worked with famous actors. For example, Fedor Dobronravov and Anastasia Panina acted the part in the film without honorarium. In the center of the film story is a schoolboy who dreams to become rich. It would seem that he is already an adult, he earns money himself and he is supposedly independent. But he forgets the feelings of friends and relatives when he desperately speeds for a beautiful life. Only a terrible accident makes a little egoist face the reality. I as a director of this film specifically left an open final. The viewer is left alone with the question: what next? Because for me it was important to show not how the hero changed, but give the viewer a second chance, pass the baton from Artem. I'm sure that everyone has made mistakes in their lives. Think about it and if it's not too late, wake up. After all, we write our own lives. Therefore, I give to my hero a chance to wake up where he wants: in the end, in the middle, in the beginning. And the meaning of the film is very simple: We create our own history. Our life depends on us. This film was shot by youths and for youths. All film crew is young people from 12 till 18.

Director: Dmitry Rogov

Producers: Alexey Rogov and Dmitry Rogov

Сast: Kirill Popov, Fedor Dobronravov, Ekaterina Selefonkina and Anastasia Panina

Studio: Manevr