Sunbeam and Ladybug / Luchik i Bukashechka


Director Leonid Belyaev
Scriptwriter Leonid Belyaev
Producer Leonid Belyaev
Art director Leonid Belyaev
Composer Vladimir Khlopovsky
Composer Alexey Kestner
Editor Leonid Belyaev
Sound Designer Leonid Belyaev
Sound Designer Pavel Ivashinnikov


Maxim Bytko
Alisa Efimenko
Yuri Vnukov

Leonid Belyaev



Higher education: radio physicist, manager, director. Additional education: art school, several courses on intellectual property and export of animation and content. He was engaged in the creation of non-standard outdoor advertising and artistic design work. He was engaged in the development of knowledge- intensive projects. Worked as a marketing director in the media. Created media and content, including advertising cartoons. He wrote scripts and directed two debut projects: the first episode of the animated series Sunbeam and Ladybug and the film comedy “System X” (post-production stage).