Visualize This / Vizualiziruy eto


2020 | Fiction | 19 min. | Russia | 12+

A popular Internet blogger quarrels with her boyfriend, an editor, and starts checking out tips from her own training sessions.

Directors Statement

It would seem that many bloggers video almost every step they take, but often all this is just the beautiful side of their ideal life. Inside out, they hide some troubles and failures, do not show to their subscribers. For fear of someone disappointing, offending or losing the love of their audience? At the same time, on television and in mass cinema, we also often see life far from its real problems, where hot topics that concern society are avoided. And behind this visual production are people who are already accustomed to self-censorship - they try to show the audience an ideal world, remove painful issues from TV and movie screens. What is behind this? The decision to please, entertain your audience, give them a sweet pill in their difficult life, or the fear of losing their jobs if you do something sharp and incur the wrath of higher people? But no matter how you hide the real life on the screens, no matter how you cross out uncomfortable topics with a red pencil, it is unlikely that this will solve the problems of society. And what if a person suddenly decided to be sincere and honest in his professional activities, but by an absurd accident, he or his loved one suddenly becomes a violator of the law? Fight fear, defend your innocence or run away from reality, dream and visualize? These questions interested me when I was preparing the film “Visualize It,” in which I wanted to show two worlds - the real and the screen perfect, and to think about how they came into contact. The red color in the real world is stop issues, stop topics that we still don’t really like openly figuring out. And then an ideal world appears with its beautiful picture and bright colors - moving away from reality, visualizing your desires ...

Director: Yulia Rodionova

Producers: Yulia Rodionova and Aida Vasilevskaya

Сast: Anna Titova, Aleksey Sakharov and Kirill Pugach