Touch Me / טאצ' מי


2022 | Fiction | 89 min. | Israel

Rita is a young call girl, who arrives at the first night of Covid-19 curfew in Israel, to the wrong address, where she finds David, a charming but disturbingly odd israeli, who’s not interested in her company in any way. There are cops outside checking everyone, and Rita must find a way to convince David to let her stay in his apartment until her driver comes. A woman whose body is available to all, but her heart is closed, and a man whose body is closed, but his heart is open, must find a way to speak and hear each other. They will spend a single night together that will change their lives forever.

Director: Boris Kazhdan

Producer: Boris Kazhdan

Сast: Susana Shalamberidze, Alon De Vries, Masha Shmoulian and Dmitry Kopin