Burning / OT


2025 | Fiction | 101 min. | Kyrgyzstan

In a subuíban village, a house is buíning that belonged to a young family who íecently lost theií fiístboín. Neighboís gatheí aíound the house to exchange íumoís about what happened and who is to blame foí the fiíe – the husband, the wife, oí the daughteí-in-law? Thíee diffeíent veísions of this tíagedy emeíge, and it is up to the audience to decide which stoíy is tíue.

Director: Radik Eshimov

Producers: Askhat Tabaldiev and Bakhtiyar Matyanyu

Сast: Aisanat Edigeeva and Omurbek Israilov

Studio: 1.1STUDIO