Flat №15 / Квартира номер 15


Director Elizaveta Pavlovskaya
Scriptwriter Elena Kolesnikova
Cinematographer / DP Ivan Shakhov
Art director Elizaveta Pavlovskaya
Composer Александр Соколов
Editor Ivan Shakhov
Editor Elizaveta Pavlovskaya
Sound Designer Sergey Minasenko
Sound Designer Ivan Avatkov


Tamara Mironova
Volodya Toropov
Dmitriy Morozov
Gleb Orlov

Elizaveta Pavlovskaya



Elizaveta Pavlovskaya was born in 1990 in Moscow. She graduated from the State Pedagogical University named Lenin, the Department of Translation Studies. Now she is 26 years old and every year she has more and more life's interests. Two years ago she has entered university, the film director class of V.A. Grammatikov. Since childhood she has been writing the scripts. She has been sitting down with the dolls and giving them the roles. She believes she has a creative potential and is ready to try to uncover it.