The Spiral / Spiral


Director Igor Buzaev
Scriptwriter Igor Buzaev
Producer Igor Buzaev
Cinematographer / DP Vyacheslav Lozhkovoy
Art director Alia Hansen
Composer Ruslan Vorotnikov
Editor Igor Buzaev
Sound Designer Gulnara Saitova


Ailin Askarova
Vadim Klysov
Rezida Galimova

Igor Buzaev



Igor Buzaev - Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Bashkir State Medical University, cardiac surgeon, lawyer and student at The Anaheim University Akira Kurosawa School of Film (California). My whole interesting life has been devoted to mixing various fields of knowledge and skills. I graduated with honors from the Medical University and the Law Faculty, I studied music, tai chi, worked as a fitness trainer for group programs. I can fly a light sport plane. Now, combining all my knowledge and skills with everything that I took from my parents and teachers, I create something useful for people.

Directors Statement

My name is Igor Buzaev, I am a doctor of medical sciences, a professor of the Bashkir State Medical University, cardiac surgeon, lawyer and a student at The Anaheim University Akira Kurosawa School of Film (California). I chose the film school basing on the ideas of humanism and the importance of showing them in art works. Akira Kurosawa once said that if a person dreams, he is a genius. "The Spiral" is my first student film. The main hero is an eight-year-old daughter of an artist, who suffers from tremors. A girl inspired by the science fiction finds a way to help her father. On the example of the little heroine of the film, I wanted to show how dreams may lead to real results in science, including medicine. It seems to me that for children dreams are especially important. This is my first picture, but during the filming I used the same approach that I use in my life and in managing. I try to give the opportunity for the team members to find out their abilities. I was warned that making a film with a child in the leading role would be complicated. But the young actress Eileen impressed me on the set. She doesn't need to be told what to do. It was enough just to tell her a story and ask how she would act in this situation. The film is based on real events. In traditional neurosurgery, in order to correct a small problem deep in the human brain, you need to get to this area with even more damage. This problem from the student years worried my wife Rezida. She was looking for more gentle methods. Several years ago, she found a technology that allows to do brain surgery without incisions. She brought this technique to Russia and in Ufa she opened the first center where such treatment can be carried out.