
2022 | Fiction | 25 min. | Kyrgyzstan

The near future, somewhere in Central Asia. The teenager Umut understands that the head of the town and the society, promising to build a City of the future, are gradually destroying all the buildings in the town.. But, the teenager manages to find out that there will be no city of the future, he has already been and they are destroying it all…

Directors Statement

This film is about our concern for future of the world. Everywhere we hear and see wars, murder and destruction. We try to understand why is this happening? Just like all of us, my hero Umut wonders why those in power destroy everything and build nothing. They keep people in fear, intimidate them, force them to change their views and destroy individuals, turning them into a gray mass. But this should come to a logical end, or reach some sort of result. In the film, everything is ambiguous about the outcome of the story, but I still believe and think that Umut has become a kind of facilitator for positive changes. The film was shot in a town that was once prosperous and advanced and is now an abandoned city surrounded by ruins. The terrain gives the film its fantastic aura, where our story takes on a special texture. As an author, it was necessary for me to make this film, because I believe that people should not be silent about what is happening around them. My voice is my movie!

Director: Naizabek Sydykov

Producers: Naizabek Sydykov and Nazik Chonoeva

Сast: Temirlan Asankadyrov and Eldiar Zharashev

Studio: Internews in Kyrgyzstan