
Years running: 12 (since 2014)


International festival of short films, social video and advertising


The LAMPA is a charity cinema project aimed at developing social video content and promoting volunteerism in the world.

- 9 years Film Festival unites directors and social innovators who wish to make the world a better place;
- 134 countries and 11000 short films on universally important themes: environment, sustainable development, volunteerism, charity, inclusion and many more;
- 5 500 000+ Film Festival's community consists of directors, scriptwriters, videographers, actors, real life heroes, philanthropists, socially responsible organisations and mass media

Together we create and show films that change the world!

If you:
- Produce films as an amateurish or professional filmmaker
- Help people as a member of a public organisation or by yourself
- Embody socially responsible programmes in business
- Have a video blog on a social issue

Or…just love good films!


LAMPA Film Festival's events have a high international status and serve as a centre of attraction for directors of social cinema and social innovators:
- On December 5, 2018 - the United Nations Office hosted the LAMPA Film Festival Retrospective;
- On June 11-13, 2019 - the best films of the LAMPA Film Festival on the theme of inclusion were presented at the International Conference Inclusive Volunteering #INFOCUS at the United Nations Office in Geneva;
- On February 19-20, 2020 - the LAMPA International Film Festival Retrospective was held at the UN Headquarters in New York;

Programme of events of the LAMPA FILM FEST 2022:
- public screenings of the best competitive works;
- educational sessions from Film Festival's Jury Members and directors of social films;
- meetings with films' main characters;
- interactive exhibitions from directors and authors of socially oriented projects;
- awarding ceremony of the LAMPA Film Festival's winners.

The LAMPA Film Festival has become one of the most prominent platforms for positioning good stories and one of the largest international events in the field of volunteerism and social media.


According to the results of the Competition, winners in each nomination and owners of special prizes of the Film Festival are determined.

Awards in nominations:
- Best short socially oriented documentary film
- Best short socially oriented feature film
- Best social video
- Best social music video clip
- Best social advertising
- Best commercial social advertising
- Best youth film work in the nomination "Special focus"


All winners of the Competition will be awarded with LAMPA trophies, diplomas and memorable prizes.

The best submissions included into the short list of the Film Festival will be recommended for practical implementation and broadcasting for promoting volunteering and charity within the framework of the Film Festival’s events; filmmakers will be invited to LAMPA Film Festival's events.


  • Short films — under 40 minutes, social video — under 5 minutes, advertising — under 2 minute.
  • One participant can submit up to 3 works in all nominations.

Before submitting, please read carefully the Rules and Regulations for the LAMPA International Film Festival.

Submit online via 

Premiere Requirements

No premiere requirement

Jury and Organizers

The organizers of the film festival are: ANO "Vector of Friendship", National Association for Education Development "Notebook of Friendship"




Official Website


Phone:  +7 (495) 568-00-01


Contact Emails

Social Networks

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Dates & Deadlines
  • Opening Date
    March 04, 2024
  • Deadline
    June 03, 2024
  • Notifications
    July 02, 2024
  • Event Dates
    3 — 6 October 2024
Categories & Fees

Advertising — under 2 minute.

  • Deadline — $10

Special nomination for business companies. Competitive works of any of the short-meter formats (animation, documentary, advertising) where the company’s social responsibility and socially oriented programs are shown, which create conditions for positive changes in society.

  • Deadline — $10

Special nomination for films dedicated to outstanding people, significant events in the history of Perm and Perm Region. The competitive works can be the following formats: a socially oriented short film, social video, social advertising, animated social film, social music video.

  • Deadline — $10

films under 40 minutes.

  • Deadline — $10

Special nomination for the best debut film of the X International Film Festival LAMPA. The competitive works can be the following formats: a socially oriented short film, social video, social advertising, animated social film, social music video.

  • Deadline — $10

Special nomination for the best short film of the X International Film Festival LAMPA. The competitive works can be the following formats: a socially oriented short film, social video, social advertising, animated social film, social music video.

  • Deadline — $10

“Commercial social advertising” is a special nomination for business companies whose products or services are capable of creating conditions for the formation of socially responsible behavior in society. Duration of the entry is no more than 2 minutes.

  • Deadline — $10

Social video — under 5 minutes, 

  • Deadline — $10

"Short animated film" is a short film on a socially significant topic, made with the help of animation tools. The duration of the contest work is no more than 20 minutes.

  • Deadline — $10

"Social music video clip" is a short film or video clip with a socially significant storyline accompanied by musical composition. The use of a musical composition (a fragment of a musical composition) must be agreed with the copyright holder and not violate property rights of third parties. Duration of the entry is no more than 5 minutes.

  • Deadline — $10

Documentary films under 40 minutes.

  • Deadline — free

This nomination is for young filmmakers from 10 to 18 who can present their socially oriented works. Films directed by the children differ in their positive look on the concerns of the modern society.

  • Deadline — free
Festivals of Note




13 days


16 days


174 days

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